Zdravo, to uopće nije tabu pitanje.
Kockarnice nam redovno dolaze. Traže da budu na vrhu liste za određena tržišta. Oni jednostavno žele kupiti poziciju, a mi kažemo ne.
Imamo tim od oko 15-20 ljudi koji ocjenjuju kazina i pregledavaju kazina nekoliko puta godišnje. Imamo mnogo različitih faktora koje mjerimo. Ako postoji nešto negativno u vezi s kasinom (na primjer nepravedni uvjeti i odredbe itd.), Uvijek vrlo dobro znamo koliko će se bodova oduzeti od ukupne ocjene. Kad god kockarnice dođu i zatraže da budu na vrhu liste, jednostavno pogledamo razlog zašto ih nema i zašto smo oduzeli bodove. Ponekad jednostavno mogu dobiti od 7.1 do 9.1 uklanjanjem jedne rečenice iz Uslova i odredbi pa im savjetujemo da to učine. U tom slučaju mogu doći do vrha liste bez potrebe da nam plate jedan cent za unos.
Što se tiče affiliate sistema - imamo tim koji je odgovoran za registraciju u različite affiliate sisteme, pa kad god vidimo da neki kasino ima pristojan promet s naše web stranice, registriramo se u njihovom affiliate sistemu.
Što se tiče pritužbi - ne trebate dozvolu kazina, ali igrači koji se žale na našoj web stranici daju nam dozvolu da iz kazina dobijemo informacije o njima. Sistem je prilično jednostavan: neki kockarnici odbijaju uopće rješavati pritužbe, neki surađuju. Ne možemo nikoga natjerati na suradnju s nama, ali kad god dobijemo dovoljno dokaza od igrača i kasino odbije podijeliti njihovo stajalište, takav slučaj može završiti smanjenjem rejtinga kazina na našoj web stranici.
Hi, it's not a taboo question at all.
Casinos come to us quite regularly. They ask to be on the top of the list for certain markets. They simply want to buy the position and we say no.
We have a team of about 15-20 people who do the casino ratings and review the casinos few times per year. We have many different factors that we measure. If there's something negative about the casino (for example unfair terms and conditions etc.), we always know very precisely how many points will be deducted from the overall rating. Whenever the casinos comes and asks to be on the top of the list, we simply look at the reason why they're not there and why we deducted the points. Sometimes, they can simply get from 7.1 to 9.1 by remove one sentence from the Terms and Conditions so we advise them to do that. In that case, they can get to the top of the list without the need to pay us a single cent for the listing.
Regarding the affiliate systems - we have a team that is responsible for registering into different affiliate systems so whenever we see that some casino gets a decent traffic from our website, we register in their affiliate system.
Regarding the complaints - you don't need a permission from casinos, but players who complain on our website give us the permission to get information about them from the casino. The system is quite simple: Some casinos refuse to deal with the complaints at all, some cooperate. We can't force anyone into the cooperation with us, but whenever we get enough evidence from the player and the casino refuses to share their point of view, such a case can end up with decreasing the casino's rating on our website.
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