NaslovnaForumOpšta DiskusijaKako mogu zatvoriti svoj račun?

Kako mogu zatvoriti svoj račun? (strana 4)

 od Tuiskuliini
86.826 pregleda 240 odgovora |
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Sure thing, I'm deleting the account now.

Stay well!

I would like to close my account in it's entirety. Thanks.


Closing your account now.

Stay well!


Zatvorite moj nalog ovde na Casino Guru-u niste legitimni !!

Molim te zatvori moj nalog nisi fer i pošten!! Ne želim ništa sa Casino Guruom i Radkom!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I can see it was already closed.

Da zatvorim svoj nalog, pišite mi molim vas.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. Just to be sure, do you want your Casino Guru account closed, please?

Just asking, though.

Can you close my account please

Can you close my account please


Can you also close my account please



We're all attending regular team building, so I'm closing your account now. Sorry for the delay.

Stay well!

Can you also close my account please


Working on it right now!

I would like to close my account please and cancel my complaint.


Would you kindly respond to the complaint, please?

Use this link to do so. Closing your account isn't an issue, yet the complaint is still open.

May I know whether there's been any update with the verification at least?

I hope you understand.

Yeah everything is sorted.


Hello, and thanks!

I'm closing your account now.

Stay well!


could you close my profile and delete any complaints



Hello, no problem.

It's just we don't usually delete complaints, it serves as a warning for other players.

Are you ok with that?

Kindly let me know.


okay but delete my username


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