Lično, ne volim baš takve filmove. Zaista vas vuče da pogledate tako nešto.
Naučnofantastični filmovi, s druge strane, zaista su uzbudljivi.
Na primjer, Crno ogledalo, sezona 4 (Crni muzej), govori o svijesti. Također vjerujem da je većina ovih stvari već moguća, ali mi ljudi volimo 🐑 mislimo da bismo u protivnom bili previše moćni i da bi samoproglašena elita imala problem 🙂
Zvuči ludo, ali isto tako mislim da u naučnofantastičnim filmovima ima puno istine.
Ali to je samo moje mišljenje 🙂 ✌🏻👳♂️✌🏾
Personally, I don't really like films like that. Really pulls you down to look at something like that.
Science fiction films, on the other hand, are really exciting.
For example, Black Mirror, Season 4 (Black Museum), is about consciousness. I also believe that most of these things are already possible, but we humans like 🐑 think otherwise we would be too powerful and the self-proclaimed elite would have a problem 🙂
Sounds crazy but I also think that there is a lot of truth in science fiction films.
But is just my opinion 🙂 ✌🏻👳♂️✌🏾
Ich persönlich mag solche Filme nicht so wirklich. Zieht einem echt runter sich sowas anzusehen.
Science Fiction Filme dagegen finde ich mega spannend.
Bei der Serie Black Mirror, Staffel 4 (Black Museum) zum Beispiel, geht es um das Bewußtsein. Ich glaube auch daran das all diese Dinge großteils schon möglich sind aber man uns Menschen wie 🐑 hält da wir sonst zu mächtig wären und die selbst ernannte elite ein Problem hätte 🙂
Klingt vl verrückt aber ich glaube auch das in Science Fiction Filme viel warheit steckt.
Aber ist nur meine Meinung 🙂 ✌🏻👳♂️✌🏾
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