Možda ste nedavno videli reklamu o igrici Fairi Cat Game, a ja sam pao u jamu sa stavom da je isprobam. Dozvolite mi da pričam o iskustvu ove igre. Nadam se da će to biti od pomoći igračima u budućnosti. Ovaj članak je neutralan i svako može odlučiti za sebe.
Pre svega, ova igra tvrdi da je najtoplija blokčejn igra u 2023. godini, onda sam pretražio Fairi Cat na Guglu i nisam našao relevantnije informacije, ili je zaista nova igra, ili je njihova promocija veoma loša, ukratko, ja nemam ne veruj.
Ali da bih izbegao zamke za sve, odlučio sam da pogledam šta je to. Zatim sam pronašao njihovu zvaničnu veb stranicu i pogledao uvodne informacije o igrici, koja se ne razlikuje od opštih blokčejn igara. Zatim sam pokušao da koristim metamask novčanik da otvorim adresu igre i uneo sam pozivni kod koji mi je dala korisnička služba da uđem u igru. Nakon ulaska u igru, biće vodič za početnike koji će nam pomoći da razumemo rad i funkcije igre. Uopšteno govoreći, ova igra samo odgaja mačke da zarade novac, a tutorijal će vam dati 1 USDT.
Pošto prvu mačku treba kupiti, napunio sam 12U i kupio malu belu mačku od 10U. Nakon što sam potrošio 10U, nadogradio sam na VIP1. VIP1 može dobiti zelenu bocu svakog dana. Ova boca može sakupljati vilenjake na prodaju, a jedan vilenjak se može prodati za 1U.
Samo sakupljajte i prodajte mačke svaki dan. Igrao sam oko mesec dana, a sada sam zaradio oko 8,25U. Juče sam prodao svoju veliku mačku i kupio je. 10U, ukupno 16.25U je povučeno, izvinite, mogu li da nastavim ovu igru, molim vas da vidite da li je ova igra lažljiva?
You may have seen an advertisement about Fairy Cat Game recently, and I fell into the pit with the attitude of giving it a try. Now Let me talk about the experience of this game. I hope it will be helpful to the players in the future. This article is neutral, and everyone can decide for themselves.
First of all, this game claims to be the hottest blockchain game in 2023, then I searched Fairy Cat on Google and found no more relevant information, or it is really a new game, or their promotion is very poor, in short, I don't trust it.
But in order to avoid pitfalls for everyone, I decided to take a look at what is it. Then I found their official website and looked at the introduction information of the game, which is no different from general blockchain games. Then I tried to use the metamask wallet to open the game address, and entered the invitation code given to me by customer service to enter the game. After entering the game, there will be a novice guide to help us understand the operation and functions of the game. Generally speaking, this game is just raising cats to make money, and the tutorial will give you 1 USDT.
Because the first cat needs to be purchased, I recharged 12U and bought a 10U little white cat. After spending 10U, I upgraded to VIP1. VIP1 can receive a green bottle every day. This bottle can Collect elves for sale, and one elf can be sold for 1U.
Just collect and sell cats every day. I have been playing for about a month, and now I have earned about 8.25U. Just yesterday, I sold my big cat and bought it. 10U, a total of 16.25U has been withdrawn,Excuse me, can I continue this game, please see if this game is a liar?