Zdravo, pretpostavljam da znate da je ovaj forum uglavnom o kockanju, pa mislim da su verovatno manje šanse da ćete dobiti odgovor koji vam je potreban. Međutim, nadam se da postoji neko ko može da vam pomogne u vašoj situaciji i da vam da dobar savet. ☘
Da li ste pokušali da pišete na drugim forumima ili nekim drugim sajtovima gde su ljudi zainteresovani za takve stvari?
U vašoj situaciji, razumem da pokušavate da pišete svuda, jer će vam se sreća možda osmehnuti i neko može biti tu da pruži korisne informacije.
Usput, i ja se selim za par nedelja, tako da imamo sličnu situaciju, ali se selim u okviru istog grada.
Ako smem da pitam, šta ti se sviđa u Njujorku? Jedan moj prijatelj je bio tamo pre nedelju dana i bio je fasciniran svime, pa zato pitam. 🙂
Hi, I suppose you know that this forum is mostly about gambling, so I think there's probably less chance you'll get the answer you need. However, I hope there is someone who can help you with your situation and give you good advice. ☘
Have you tried writing to other forums or some other sites where people are interested in such things ?
In your situation, I understand that you are trying to write everywhere, because fortune may smile on you and someone may be there to provide useful information.
Just by the way, I'm also moving in a couple of weeks, so we have a similar situation, but I'm moving within the same city.
If I may ask, what do you like about New York? A friend of mine was there a week ago and he was fascinated by everything, so that's why I'm asking. 🙂