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Introduce Yourself (strana 4)

 od Daniel
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Hi Peter! I must say that when I started working in an online casino as a customer support agent, Canadians were my favourite customers. Generally nice people 🙂 or at least I'd say the % of nice people is much higher compared to certain countries.


Hello Eric I am glad to have read your post my name is Kevin I'm from Dallas Texas and I am desperately looking after trying for a week to find a casino that accepts us players that has any alternate deposit methods other than just your typical Visa Mastercard Amex discover and Bitcoin I have a Visa debit and credit cards that BBVA compass will not allow international transactions I've tried prepaid American Express and that say they have international access and they still don't work I'm just looking for any other method or a decent casino that will accept any other method that you could suggest desperately needing something Kevin thank you Eric for your post and any reply you could give.


Hello Kevronirone. 

Unfortunately, because of the US gambling legislation and how it generally works in the US market, there is not much of a choice. Most of the operators that accept US players offer exactly the payment methods you have mentioned, and it's only getting worse since some of them started to limit their options for US players just to crypto deposits/withdrawals.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hi guys & girls!

I am Bojan from one new gambling platform called Chipstars.

I found your forum and decided to register here to get some feedback from you guys. We are a new platform and our idea is to make the best possible experience for our community.

I believe that posting links is not possible, because you will consider that as a promotion.  So, for now, I will not speak anything about Chipstars. I will introduce the platform on some other thread if your admin allows me to do that. Now, I just wanted to introduce myself.

I am 25 years old master of Graphical Engineering from Bosnia. I am working on Chipstars from the beginning. Firstly, I was working on the UX/UI on the platform, but now I am a project manager. And because of that, I am here. I believe that we have a good product already. But I want to learn here how to make it better. What are the major requirements from Casino players, what good platform must have? How to promote my platform, where to find affiliates? What are Casino players like on our platform, what don't? And many other similar things.

First of all, I will read your previous threads, I believe that I will find many useful things here. Then I will, with admin approval introduce the platform and ask my questions. Also, I will give some gifts from Chipstars which I prepared for your community, but we will speak about it later.

Nice to meet you here guys!

P.S. Please let me know if I break some of the forum rules in the introduction, so I can edit my post. 

Chipstars Casino

Hi Bojan, nice to meet you! I appreciate your interest in our website and I'm glad you like it. Speaking about your platform - what do you mean by the "platform"? Is it a new casino, a new affiliate website promoting casinos (so basically our competition) or what is it?

You understood correctly that we don't want to promote other affiliate websites on our website (including the forum).


Hahaha, no man, don't worry. 😀

We are a new casino/sportsbook/poker platform. Actually, we are not affiliates, we need affiliates. 😀

Chipstars Casino

Alright, in that case, you can create your own thread in the "Casinos" category. Once we know the link to your platform, we'll do the review and add it to our website 🙂

Možemo li igrati besplatne kazino igre na mreži

Želite li se pridružiti svijetu online kazina i slotova? Postoji ogroman izbor od hiljada igara sa različitim temama i mogućnostima za osvajanje zaista velikih nagrada, koje su nesumnjivo izvor sjajnih emocija. Igranje kazino igara je zabavno, pa odaberite upravo onu opciju koja vas zanima. Postoje stotine različitih tema, uključujući stare Egipćane, pljačkaške Vikinge, začarane šume, sablasni užas i pahuljaste mačke. Ako želite da se zabavite, odaberite temu koja vam se sviđa.

Izmenjeno od Daniel
Razlog: Zabranjen link
Automatski prevedeno:

Postoji li način da radim za vas?

Zvuči zaista zanimljivo i budi moju radoznalost 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

It depends on your experience, skills and abilities. The first option that comes to my mind are testers. We have over 50 people around the world who test casinos, games, bonuses, payment methods for us. But it's definitely not a full time job. It's more likely for someone who likes the gambling environment and who agrees with getting some pocket money from us in exchange for the time they spend on testing.

Then of course, we have copywriters and translators who work remotely as well. Then we have designers, backend and frontend developers and many different departments including PR, responsible gambling, casino reviews and data analysis, complaints etc. But those people are based in offices in Bratislava and Banska Bystrica (Slovakia).

Ažurirano od strane autora

Razumijem 🙂

Dakle, da je to moguće, bilo bi mi sjajno raditi kao tester!

Pošto sada imam dovoljno slobodnog vremena i volim da ostanem u kockarnicama, to bi bilo zaista sjajno!

Tako da bih bio tamo 😛

Automatski prevedeno:

Great! In that case, please contact our testers lead Jozef

I already informed him that you'll probably contact him soon. He also said that Austrian tester is exactly what we're looking for atm. 🙂


Hvala ti dragi Daniele!

Kontaktirat će ga sada!


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi all

Been a lurker for a while now but decided to sign up (mainly for a complaint, surprise surprise...). Gotta say I love the site and the structure of it. There are tons of sites reviewing and comparing different online casinos but Casino Guru has been my go-to site for a while now. Keep up the good work guys, you have done a great job so far!


Thank you, very rewarding words. We will keep up 🙂.

Our team updates the site regularly, still, I'm wondering, is there anything missing from your point of view?


Yes, I'missing the option to filter casinos by their owner. There are tons of groups out there I avoid completely but I have to go through every casino one at a time here to see the owner of it so an option to filter by that woulf be excellent. Or simply a list of all owners.


Hm, that's actually something we could do, because we already have this information in our system. I'm gonna write it down and bring up on one of our future "innovation meetings". Thanks!

Ja sam Zoran.

Dolazim iz Srbije, veliki sam ljubitelj ruleta.

Imam 50 godina. Prvi put sam osetio svetlu kasinu u svojim dvadesetim. Počeo sam da radim kao krupije.

Od 2020. počinjem igrati online. Takođe sam fan Sony ps-a. Volim da igram RPG igrice. Volim fudbal, prirodu, životinje, nauku. Horor filmovi.

Volim matematiku, statistiku...

Čitam Nationalgeographic. Radim u oblasti ugostiteljstva.

Nadam se da ću provesti neko vrijeme sa ljudima na ovom mjestu i naučiti puno.

Hvala ti

Automatski prevedeno:

Speaking about your previous job, I'm wondering, have you seen the movie Croupier?

I don't like old movies, but I really like this one 🙂

Naravno da sam gledao.

A jeste li gledali film snimljen po istinitim događajima širom Amerike 90-ih?

Kada je grupa studenata MIT-a počela da broji karte za blackjack i osvojila milione dolara.

Oni su prvi počeli brojati karte, što se i danas radi.


Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:
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