Zdravo momci i devojke!
Ja sam Bojan s jedne nove kockarske platforme koja se zove Chipstars.
Našao sam vaš forum i odlučio se registrirati ovdje da dobijem povratne informacije od vas. Mi smo nova platforma i naša ideja je da učinimo najbolje moguće iskustvo za našu zajednicu.
Vjerujem da postavljanje linkova nije moguće, jer ćete to smatrati promocijom. Tako da za sada neću ništa govoriti o Chipstarsima. Predstavit ću platformu na nekoj drugoj temi ako mi administrator to dozvoli. Htjela sam se samo predstaviti.
Ja sam 25 -godišnji magistar grafičkog inženjeringa iz Bosne. Radim na Chipstarsima od početka. Prvo sam radio na UX/UI na platformi, ali sada sam voditelj projekta. I zbog toga sam ovdje. Vjerujem da već imamo dobar proizvod. Ali ovdje želim naučiti kako to učiniti boljim. Koji su glavni zahtjevi Casino igrača, koju dobru platformu morate imati? Kako promovirati svoju platformu, gdje pronaći podružnice? Kakvi su igrači kazina na našoj platformi, a šta ne? I mnoge druge slične stvari.
Prije svega, pročitaću vaše prethodne teme, vjerujem da ću ovdje pronaći mnogo korisnih stvari. Tada ću, uz odobrenje administratora, predstaviti platformu i postavljati svoja pitanja. Također, dat ću neke poklone od Chipstars -a koje sam pripremio za vašu zajednicu, ali o tome ćemo kasnije.
Drago mi je što smo se upoznali ovdje!
PS Molim vas obavijestite me ako prekršim neka od pravila foruma u uvodu, kako bih mogao urediti svoj post.
Hi guys & girls!
I am Bojan from one new gambling platform called Chipstars.
I found your forum and decided to register here to get some feedback from you guys. We are a new platform and our idea is to make the best possible experience for our community.
I believe that posting links is not possible, because you will consider that as a promotion. So, for now, I will not speak anything about Chipstars. I will introduce the platform on some other thread if your admin allows me to do that. Now, I just wanted to introduce myself.
I am 25 years old master of Graphical Engineering from Bosnia. I am working on Chipstars from the beginning. Firstly, I was working on the UX/UI on the platform, but now I am a project manager. And because of that, I am here. I believe that we have a good product already. But I want to learn here how to make it better. What are the major requirements from Casino players, what good platform must have? How to promote my platform, where to find affiliates? What are Casino players like on our platform, what don't? And many other similar things.
First of all, I will read your previous threads, I believe that I will find many useful things here. Then I will, with admin approval introduce the platform and ask my questions. Also, I will give some gifts from Chipstars which I prepared for your community, but we will speak about it later.
Nice to meet you here guys!
P.S. Please let me know if I break some of the forum rules in the introduction, so I can edit my post.
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