NaslovnaForumOpšta DiskusijaVaporizer (e-cigareta) omiljeni ukus

Vaporizer (e-cigareta) omiljeni ukus

 od Tyson420
8.003 pregleda 22 odgovora |
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Zdravo ljudi, trenutno sam u procesu prelaska sa cigareta na cigarete na paru.

Sada sam probao mnoge sorte sa ukusom voća. Smatram da je lubenica najbolja.

Trenutno imam ukus "Mafia Citrus" je takođe ugodan, ali nije baš moja šolja čaja.

Imajte i varijantu sa 0% nikotina, ovo ima ukus kao puding od riže i cimeta. Ali to više odgovara mladim ljudima, veoma je slatkog ukusa.

Sigurno ima i drugih vapera. Biće mi drago predlozima 🙄

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I have just one experience with vapor - CBD oil with peppermint flavor. It's used as a stimulant, but gentle one 🙂.


Have you heard about Veev? I like Mauve and Red Mix flavours, but Green Herbs are nice as well, especially in summer.


Hej Daniele, ne još. Probaću ove kad mi se ukaže prilika.

I uvijek se jako umorim od CBD ulja. Onda radije normalna cigareta sa THC-om 🤣

Automatski prevedeno:

Have you heard about Veev? I like Mauve and Red Mix flavours, but Green Herbs are nice as well, especially in summer.

Thanks for the tip. The prices seem very reasonable too.


Hope we are not going to discuss the "gardening" here 😀

Dakle, nekoliko paradajza u bašti nije loše. Sa današnjim cijenama povrća ovdje u Njemačkoj.

Daniel će danas uzeti u obzir njegov savjet i vidjeti da li imamo takav ukus u trgovinama. Inače naručujem preko interneta.

Automatski prevedeno:

We generally have the flavours in newspaper stores, but they usually don't have the device that you need to buy online. There used to be only 4 flavours, but they added 3 more so you have something to choose from.

I must say I don't like the Sunglow Mix that much. It tastes like a strawberry chewing gum 😀


Ovdje ne postoji cijeli niz sorti. Sada sam naručio da sve pomiješam. Nije ni skupo.

I dao nekoliko besplatnih uzoraka okusa.

Automatski prevedeno:

Alright, then let me know if you like it and which ones you like. I'm really curious.

Zaista volim ukus manga i nikad se ne umorim od njega

Automatski prevedeno:

How is this segment regulated in Germany? I live in the Czech Republic, and it seems we are probably going to be banned from using mint liquid again. I do not know the details. I just saw that in the news.

So I wonder, how it works across borders 🙂

Volim bobice sa sladoledom

Automatski prevedeno:

I quit smoking quite a few years ago, yet I have to admit this scent is very delicious, and I'm pretty intrigued now 😀



Hi, would you also like to comment on this topic ? If you write another post like this it will be deleted because I don't see the point in it.

Hej! Probao sam i gomilu ukusa i moram da kažem da mi je sladoled od ananasa apsolutni favorit do sada. Mislim da je veoma važno testirati različite brendove da biste zaista otkrili šta vam se najviše sviđa. Tokom moje pretrage naišao sam na Tamo su mi ukusi bili posebno intenzivni, ali na prijatan način - ne previše neodoljivi za pupoljke ukusa.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. Thanks for your post, we really appreciate you sharing this. I just had to make the link passive, as we do not like to directly advertise and allow such links on the forum. I hope you understand this approach. Years ago I use to like the coffee flavor, the smell of the freshly ground coffee..hmmm.😋


I am out of it after 6+ years of ecig but, after trying waaaay too many flavors, in the end I used mostly Absolum from Revolute (French brand)

Sweet, but not too sweet, with a soft fresh hit. The flavor is based on apple, citrus and wormwood 🤤 I think mostly or solely sold as a concentrate, so you gotta buy the base to dilute it yourself.

Edit : Damn, didn't see the post was so old after it popped up in "Last post". But whatever, ecig users there you go


Hey, thanks for sharing. Doesn't matter the post is old, don't worry about that at all. I am sure there will be someone who would like to read about your experience. 😉

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