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Isplata sa Cashvin problemima

pre 4 meseci od dkqsrvtj55
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pre 4 meseci

Da li je Cashvin lokacija sigurna i ugledna lokacija? Imam osećaj da mi neće isplatiti novac

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi, according to our safety index I would say that the casino is pretty good. 

As for your withdrawal, how long have you been waiting for it ? I've seen that the casino hasn't had any complaints that they haven't resolved yet and we're giving them 14 days to solve the whole process including sending the money. So if that doesn't happen, you can update me and our team will try to help you. 

For the time being, I would not be sceptical and ask what stage your withdrawal is at.

pre 4 meseci

Zdravo, kao što sam se već plašio, sva moja povlačenja su otkazana i odbijena, dva puta za 1000 € i jednom za 309,20 €. Razlog je bio taj što su dokumenti bili nekompletni i što sam navodno još morao da potrošim 1476€, a platio sam 1100€ i to je sve odigrano i pobedilo, možete li mi pomoći? Neću ponovo da rizikujem 1,476 evra i da na kraju izgubim sve

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Well, it means that you are still not fully verified in the casino because the documents are incomplete. Did you send them what they needed or what was the issue ? You didn't add something you were supposed to? 

As far as you still have to spend the mentioned amount, is it some kind of wagering on the deposit that you have to fulfill ? Or is it a wager on some other bonus ? 

Either way, since you have an open complaint, our team will try to help you, so we'll see how it goes. 

If you have an update, let us know. 

pre 4 meseci

Sada sam ispunio sve prodajne uslove, u uslovima je navedeno da uplaćeni novac mora biti odigran sa minimalnom kvotom od 1,50. Uradio sam to sa malim gubitkom. Sada sam hteo da mi isplate novac, ali se stalno stvaraju novi dokumenti koje sam slao nekoliko puta, mislim da me samo koče dok ne izgubim sav novac, ali to neću. Treba mi pomoć kako da nastavim

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

What documents does the casino keep asking for from you and what do they not like about the ones you send ? 

I see that your situation is related to sports betting, so it's not the best, because we at Casino Guru don't deal with this kind of stuff, because we don't have experts in it. 

So we'll see how it turns out, but I hope that when you complete the verification successfully, you will be able to withdraw the money. 

pre 4 meseci

Već sam verifikovan. Žele snimak ekrana mog transfera u njihov kazino, ali snimak ekrana ne prikazuje sve podatke na jednoj slici. Žele moje ime, IBAN, datum, iznos, primaoca, ali ne staje sve u jednu sliku

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Već sam verifikovan. Žele snimak ekrana mog transfera u njihov kazino, ali snimak ekrana ne prikazuje sve podatke na jednoj slici. Žele moje ime, IBAN, datum, iznos, primaoca, ali ne staje sve u jednu sliku

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I would say you are not supposed to provide a screenshot. Try to get the official document in this format.pdf

It's really sad the casino support is not capable of a decent explanation. I suggest you ask them directly. Screenshots are usually not accepted because such documents may be cropped or altered.

pre 4 meseci
pre 4 meseci

Hey, do you need something?

Frankly, this screenshot does not say much. 🤷‍♀️

pre 3 meseci


how long it takes them to withdrawal the money I won?

I read that many players didnt received their money and now I'm worried that they dont pay out.

I ve been waiting for 48 hours now...

pre 3 meseci

Please be more specific what would you like to say, or help with, please?

pre 3 meseci


how long it takes them to withdrawal the money I won?

I read that many players didnt received their money and now I'm worried that they dont pay out.

I ve been waiting for 48 hours now...

pre 3 meseci

Hi. We usually give casinos 14 full days to process the payment. Is your account fully verified at this casino, is this your first withdrawal there?

pre 3 meseci


yes Im fully verified. I asked the Support 3 Times if my documents sufficient.

If you want to withdrawal they say it takes maximum 72 hours to receive the money.

I dont understand why they dont just pay out the amout you won but when you deposit money It is instant on your account...

pre 3 meseci

I wouldn't be skeptical yet in this situation. You haven't been waiting that long, but has the casino given you any reason for not having the money yet ? I can see that you are verified, so you will probably need to be a bit patient and if the casino does not communicate and you do not withdraw the money in the time that Romi mentioned, then let us know and we will try to help you. 🙂

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