Moram da kažem da je ovo zaista čudno.
Da je blokada postavljena na našoj strani, očekivao bih da vidite samo portugalska kazina - na osnovu podešavanja vašeg profila.
Međutim, ne mogu da saznam odakle dolaze švajcarska kazina.
U svakom slučaju, možete li molim vas da unesete podešavanja svog profila, a zatim da odete na „napredna podešavanja" umesto mene?
Nalazi se tačno ispod podešavanja jezika na glavnom ekranu profila:

Moram da znam koja zemlja se automatski otkriva. Na primer, za mene je to Češka, jer ne moram da koristim VPN da bih pristupio forumu, a tamo živim.
I dalje mislim da nešto nije u redu sa postavkama.
U svakom slučaju, možete li pokušati da isključite bilo koju VPN uslugu, a zatim pristupite veb lokaciji jer ste navikli da više koristite anonimni pretraživač, ili bolje rečeno, koristeći potpuno drugačiji pregledač, molim?
Biću ovde radi ažuriranja, hvala.
I have to say that this is indeed strange.
If the block had been set on our end, I would have expected you to see only Portuguese casinos - based on your profile settings.
Can't find out where the Swiss casinos come from, though.
Anyway, could you please enter your profile settings and then go to the "advance settings" for me?
Situated right under language settings on the main profile screen:

I need to know which country is detected automatically. For example, for me, it's the Czech Republic, because I don't have to use a VPN in order to access the forum, and I live there.
I still think something is not right with the settigs.
Anyway, can you try to turn any VPN services off and then access the website as you are used to using the incognito browser more, or rather by using a completely different browser, please?
I'll be here for an update, thank you.
Ažurirano od strane autora pre 10 meseci
Automatski prevedeno: