NaslovnaForumOpšta Diskusija o KockanjuPlease Critique Gambling Pages On My Wiki Website

Please Critique Gambling Pages On My Wiki Website

 od Mottorpop
1.497 pregleda 25 odgovora |
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Good day everyone, I have begun a wiki website (it has less than 100 pages at the moment) ... but it includes a section on gambling with a roughed in outline and the start of a few articles.

Now would be a great time to get some feedback on what might be missing or need attention. ... Later, feedback on the actual articles and the details of their content will be appreciated. Please use this thread for all feedback - positive or negative.

Oh, yes, this website does come from the perspective of a Bible Believer ... so, if that is not your thing, maybe just stick with critiquing what is directly gambling related.

Thanks in advance! Gambling With Eternity

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I would say it is a very complex and also quite interesting piece of work.

Could not find something missing. If I come across some thoughts or ideas, I'll come back here.

Well, not that helpful from my side; on the other hand, I feel players should share their opinions; that would be best, I'd say.


Thank you ... I am glad you like it so far. Like the rest of the website, the gambling section has a long way to go before it is complete ... but at least I seem to have a handle on the main topics to explore and write in detail.


On second thought, ... is it too complex? I do not want it to be hard to understand. Do I need to separate things out into smaller topics? I have a habit of working with a lot of themes / variables / topics at the same time if I think they relate to each other.


Ovo je kratka probna poruka, kao i ja često

Ovde se susrećem sa zabranama i ograničenjima.

Takođe teško da bi bilo prikladno da to navedete na vašoj veb stranici.

alternativno (o nekim detaljima) mišljenje.

Možda bih kasnije razjasnio neke stvari.

dopuniti. "...ispuniti, a ne otkazati" (iz Mateja)

Odnosno, da se identifikuju korisni, pozitivni potencijali

kockanje u kockarnicama. Izbegavajući bogohuljenje, naravno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day everyone, weekly update: In the last few days, I have added some sections to the summary page and started several of the actual articles. It is a good start.

All of these pages are still in draft mode and being worked on ... so it is still a great time to look at them and make comments or ask questions if you think something is needed.

Gambling with Eternity

Ažurirano od strane autora

On second thought, ... is it too complex? I do not want it to be hard to understand. Do I need to separate things out into smaller topics? I have a habit of working with a lot of themes / variables / topics at the same time if I think they relate to each other.

For quite some time, I've been occasionally following your activities. It's amazing to see someone putting such effort into such a wide area of topics.

In my opinion, it may be a good idea. Although I'm not that good in text editing, now that you mentioned that, I guess it won't hurt.

Good day everyone, weekly update: In the last few days, I have added some sections to the summary page and started several of the actual articles. It is a good start.

All of these pages are still in draft mode and being worked on ... so it is still a great time to look at them and make comments or ask questions if you think something is needed.

Gambling with Eternity

Well, perhaps someone more religious than me could provide decent feedback.

The warning is not the way I would describe gambling. It seems to me like a demonization of the current era in general. Just my opinion.


When I'm reading the article, I have a feeling that you initially describe gambling as a pure evil and sin:

"The casino causes people to lose and is a terrible place to be..."
" reality you can play until you lose your life"
"...spiritual darkness it does indeed harm life..."

but then you say:

"If you are playing for entertainment, then you can simply play with the games and betting strategies you enjoy."

You also mention how to set the casino budget and talk about the right betting strategies.

So what is actually gambling for you?


Thank you very much for that feedback!

My first reaction: Your confusion suggests I need to make a much stronger clarification between gambling (which can be done fairly and does not need to be sinful) and the casino (whose statistical and psychological manipulations ensure that people will lose money).

I am also going to add another article at the bottom of the list directly stating what I am personally doing with gambling. Hopefully, that will be up with next weeks update.


Thank you for that comment as well. It suggests to me that I need to be more cautious in my wording ... and where I lay 'blame' for things. I do not think the article is far off from what I mean ... but the reading public can pick up on every nuance (intended or not).

Dozvolite mi da počnem sa očiglednim. Kazino je

uopšte ne odlitak ili model sveta punog greha, već naprotiv, neka vrsta „grane raja na zemlji",

pripremni kursevi za

pravedniji život. takođe,

kao zajednica vernika bilo koje

ispovesti - kazina "ne od ovoga sveta"

„Tamo, unutra, oni deluju

drugi zakoni i drugačiji život,

i tamo je moguće stići

daleko od svih. Mnogi su pozvani,

(reklama), ali je nekoliko odabranih.

Onaj ko je ušao već se ponaša

ne kao na svetu. Čak i drski

razbojnici i lopovi daju ostavke:

pridržavajte se pravila i pridržavajte se

ograničenja nezamisliva za

njih u svakodnevnom životu. Posebno

Pravila igara u kazinu su stroga.

Kazna za prekršaj je neizbežna, svevideće oko

ne spava. Ali cela hijerarhija

zaposleni su ljubazni i

pošteno. Torpov slogan „pobedite dilera" je nepotreban

shvatiti previše ozbiljno.

Trgovac je poput anđela, moćnog duha koji nema slobodnu volju.

U igri je samo obavezan da dostigne 17 i stane. Odluka, volja

a izbor je na igraču. Ponekad je bolno, opasno, ali i otvara mogućnosti. Evo ja

Slažem se sa sličnošću igre i

život, tačnije: igranje sesije (ili

posete kazinu) sa INKARNACIJA. U duhu istraživanja Majkla Njutna.

Odnosno, ubrzani napredak je moguć.

ljudsko poboljšanje,

bez smrti i gubitka pamćenja.

Ovaj pogled je prikladniji


„Živimo veoma srećno, zdravi među bolesnima; među bolesnima živimo, zdravi.

Stvar je u tome što toga u Indiji nije bilo

pravi pravi kazina.

Tamo su prevaranti pobedili, kao

u Mahabharati.

Igrači žive pola sveta,

ali pohađaju i pripremnu nastavu

tokovi večnog života.

Ovo je slično bilo kom

religije ili kroz razvoj.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ovo je bilo mišljenje o kazinu, as

o „oazi zakonitosti i

red". Sada nekoliko reči

o igraču. Njegovo glavno zanimanje

radi sa istinom, istinom. Kazino igrač se trudi

pronađite, instalirajte i - primenite

ovu istinu. Koja je još uvek skrivena

u budućnosti ili zatvoreno

Sadašnjost. Odnosno, tačne informacije o lopti, kostima,

kartice. Igrač nehotice postaje

takoreći „ljubitelj istine".

U svakodnevnom životu laž i obmana često pomažu čoveku.

U kazinu, ova tendencija će dovesti do neuspeha.

Na ruskom reči "pravednost" i "istina"

srodni (pravda, pravednost).

Da biste pobedili, morate

izbegavaj greh i nepravdu

radnje. Bilo bi poželjno imati više

da razvija i uzdiže um i dušu.

IK testovi uvek imaju mnogo pitanja

da pronađe obrazac. Ovo je

samo zajedničko zanimanje za mnoge

igrači. :) Nivo gore

duhovnost, svetost, snaga – sve

Ovo doprinosi pobedi.

Bog Avramov ga je cenio zbog njegove vere,

na osnovu uvida

pravednik. Hristos posebno

voljno pomagali upravo takvima


Može li pravednik da igra?

Da, barem da se pokaže

svetu malo čudo od "minih proročanstava", da pokažem primer,

proveri svoj nivo...

Zamislite kolektiv

vlast, parlament, jedan od tih

koji je položio kazino test. ja bih

verovali svom glasu.

Neka Sila bude sa vama!

Automatski prevedeno:

Anytime 🙂!


Good day everyone, weekly update:

The summary page has been built up. All articles under this topic have been started. None are finished. I do not have an exact count, but the collection is close to 10,000 words so far [not at impressive as it sounds, but significant still the same].

In particular, I will point out the 'Defying the Odds' article which describes what I am personally doing with gambling.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments ... or constructive criticism for the articles.

Gambling with Eternity


Veoma dobra ideja: „da poklonim

"Osvojeni novac ide sirotinji!"

Čudno, za mene jeste

samo otkriće. Sada slagalica

došli smo zajedno, i nisam džabe došao k sebi

ovaj forum. U temi "Predstavi se"

Nedavno sam izrazio nadu da ću pronaći

„...razlozi za detaljnije istraživanje tema igara i za podizanje nivoa."

Da, to će biti pobožna praksa. Slučaj Ananije i Safire sugeriše da treba dati prednost beskompromisnosti.

Štaviše, ja lično nemam

potreba za useljenjem

udaljene „Kockarske zone" i troše

veliki novac na hotele i


Stoga predlažem da se u uspešnoj igri vidi sličnost sa drugima

Pokloni odozgo. Baš kao i pevači i

Muzičari maestralno i nadahnuto slave Boga.

Ali pevačima ili umetnicima treba mnogo vremena

proučavao, razvijajući svoje retke

talenat. Iscelitelji, filantropi i pomagači ne sazrevaju odmah. A oni koji rade nemoguće moraju posebno

da naporno radiš, čak i ako imaš

sklonosti i sposobnosti. preporučujem

ne odustaj.

I takođe – da ne žurimo. Možda nije uzalud moj datum registracije na forumu na mom profilu decembar 2025. Iz nekog razloga. 🙂 Evo, muzičari i umetnici

studiraju dugi niz godina.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day everyone, weekly update:

None really ... sometimes real life just gets unexpectedly busy ... and what little time was spent on the website went into wiki coding. Hopefully, this week will be normal and I can do some writing.

Good day everyone, ... weekly update:

1) I realized I had not simply defined / compared Wagering, gambling, and betting .... so I started an article at the top with some basics.

2) Earlier, I had named a page to have details for those with gambling problems ... but I had not filled it in so I started an article with a few statistics and added a few addiction websites and phone numbers.

All articles still need a lot of work.

Thank you for your product, I will definitely check it out. However, first of all, I want to say that it is great that you pay so much attention to the site and the development of this topic!

Thank you ... but it is a give and take. Whether it is photography, Bible study, or gambling ... joining a community goes both ways. I can contribute what I have to share ... and I will probably gain much more back from all the things others have to share (some of which I probably would not even know enough to ask about). This is a good place ... with people who can help if you have a specific question or concern.

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