Posetio sam Austriju tokom vikenda i otkrio da na njihovoj lokalnoj Vi-Fi mreži mogu da pristupim svim kockarnicama. To me je navelo da se zapitam da li mogu da kupim austrijsku SIM karticu i da je koristim u Nemačkoj. Na moje iznenađenje, funkcionisalo je i u Nemačkoj, omogućivši mi pristup svim tamošnjim kockarnicama. Čini se da je prilično upitna odluka GGL-a da sakrije sva kazina bez nemačke licence od nemačkih igrača na veb lokacijama za pregled. Iako igrači mogu da pronađu ova kazina na Google-u, ne mogu da čitaju recenzije na pouzdanim sajtovima.
Kao rezultat toga, redovni Nemci su izloženi reklamama za kazina bez licenci. Kada odluče da igraju u ovim kazinima zbog njihove žalbe ili bolje stope povrata igrača (RTP) od nemačkih kazina, mogu se susresti sa problemima kao što je neplaćanje, bez prethodnog pristupa pregledima koji bi informisali o svojoj odluci. Čini mi se da GGL-ove akcije nisu usmerene na zaštitu pojedinaca, već na cenzuru interneta. Možete pronaći oglase za kazina bez nemačke licence, možete ih tražiti na Google-u i možete ih posetiti, ali nećete naći pouzdane recenzije jer je GGL verovatno upozorio sajtove za recenzije da ih ne prikazuju jer je to nelegalno.
Dozvolite mi da dam kratko poređenje između nemačkih kazina i kazina u Velikoj Britaniji, s obzirom na moje poreklo u UK (živeo sam tamo dok se to desilo):
Tokom perioda kada je Britanska komisija za kockanje (UKGC) regulisala tržište UK pre nekoliko godina:
- Oglasi su morali da se pridržavaju ASA priručnika, sa strogim smernicama kako bi se izbeglo privlačenje maloletnika. (neki kažu da je to bila preterana zaštita jer su stvorili prestroga pravila)
- UKGC je primenio mere za zaštitu igrača, uključujući zahteve da kazina daju sredstva nevladinim organizacijama posvećenim rešavanju problema kockanja.
- ADR (Alternativno rešavanje sporova) provajderi su bili uključeni, nudeći platformu za igrače da podnose žalbe protiv kazina u slučaju sporova.
Velika Britanija sada ima dobro regulisano tržište sa mnogo licenciranih kazina, ukupno preko 700.
Kada je GGL regulisao nemačko tržište u poslednje dve godine:
- Propisi o oglašavanju su postojali, ali nisu bili tako strogi kao oni u Velikoj Britaniji.
- GGL je uveo porez na spinove u iznosu od 5,3%. Shodno tome, kazina su smanjila RTP za svoje igre kako bi nadoknadila ovaj trošak. U Velikoj Britaniji igre u kockarnicama imaju u proseku 94% RTP-a, dok nemačka kazina imaju 86% (na osnovu prosečnih cifara koje sam prikupio iz 20 istih igara).
- Mesečno ograničenje od 1000 EUR nametnuto je za sve kazina, što je dovelo do velikog broja nelicenciranih kazina. Iako ovo može zaštititi neke pojedince sa redovnim prihodima, to rezultira gubitkom poreskih prihoda od bogatijih igrača.
- Primenjeno je minimalno trajanje okretanja od 5 sekundi, što je umanjilo uzbuđenje slot igara i potencijalno nepotrebno produžavalo igru.
Nemačko tržište je počelo da raste i ima oko 70+ kazina, ali ta kazina su osakaćena jer imaju samo licence za slotove, u poređenju sa UK ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom koji imaju kartaške igre, rulet i slotove i druge igre.
Mogu da zamislim sesije nemačkih zakonodavaca koji žele da povećaju poreske prihode od kockanja.
- Želimo da ostvarimo veći prihod od kockanja, pa hajde da nametnemo porez od 5,3% na svako okretanje (a ne porez na dobitak jer građani ne vole da budu oporezovani). Bićemo jedinstveni i skupljaćemo više od onih koji više puštaju naše građane da igraju.
- Želimo da se naši građani više zabave. Ljudi, ali kazina će verovatno smanjiti RTP igara zbog poreza koji smo izmislili, što će naše građane učiniti nesrećnim jer će brže gubiti novac. Hm, dodajmo nekoliko sekundi za okretanje - mislim da je minimum 5 sekundi odlično za naše ljude. Oni to zaslužuju. Više je bolje. Da, rešili smo!
- Takođe želimo da pokažemo da štitimo naše građane, pa šta mislite ako ćemo uvesti limit od 1000 evra mesečno u svim kockarnicama? Da, ovo će raditi; tako smo pametni!
- Volim ta pravila koja smo stvorili! Sada kako to učiniti? Imam prijatelja koji vodi softversku kompaniju. Ubedićemo sve kazina da učestvuju u ovoj inicijativi, zahtevajući od njih da sa nama podele podatke o troškovima svojih igrača. Zauzvrat, moj prijatelj će biti zadovoljan i možda će mi čak isplatiti naknadu nakon nekoliko godina. Sa ovim podacima o igračima, moći ćemo da pratimo ko šta troši i da kontrolišemo ljude.
Ali da se vratimo na stvarnost: sve moje nemačke kolege koje igraju u onlajn kazinima, igraju u kazinima u inostranstvu. Znam samo njih 5, tako da je to prilično mali uzorak. Ali očekujem da i drugi učine isto.
Nadam se da GGL neće dozvoliti Guru ljudima da zabrane moj nalog ovde😉. Zabavi se!
I visited Austria over the weekend and discovered that on their local Wi-Fi network, I could access all the casinos. This led me to wonder whether I could purchase an Austrian SIM card and use it in Germany. To my surprise, it worked in Germany as well, granting me access to all the casinos there. It appears to be a rather questionable decision on the part of GGL to hide all casinos without a German license from German players on review websites. While players can find these casinos on Google, they are unable to read reviews on trusted sites.
As a result, regular Germans are exposed to advertisements for casinos without licenses. When they decide to play at these casinos due to their appeal or better return-to-player (RTP) rates than German casinos, they may encounter issues such as non-payment, with no prior access to reviews to inform their decision. It seems to me that GGL's actions are not focused on protecting individuals, but rather on censoring the internet. You can find ads for casinos without a German license, you can search for them on Google and you can visit them, but you will not find trustworthy reviews as GGL probably warned review sites not to show them as it is illegal.
Allow me to provide a brief comparison between German casinos and UK casinos, considering my UK background (I was living there while it happened):
During the period when the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) regulated the UK market a few years ago:
- Advertisements had to adhere to the ASA manual, with strict guidelines to avoid attracting minors. (some say it was overprotecting as they created too strict rules)
- The UKGC implemented measures to protect players, including requirements for casinos to contribute funds to NGOs dedicated to addressing problem gambling.
- ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) providers were involved, offering a platform for players to file complaints against casinos in case of disputes.
The UK now has a well-regulated market with many licensed casinos, totalling over 700.
When GGL was regulating the German market in the past two years:
- Advertisement regulations existed but were not as strict as those in the UK.
- GGL introduced a tax on spins, amounting to 5.3%. Consequently, casinos reduced the RTP on their games to compensate for this cost. In the UK, games in casinos have 94% RTP on average, while German casinos have 86% (based on average figures I collected from 20 same games).
- A monthly limit of 1000 EUR was imposed across all casinos, driving high rollers to unlicensed casinos. While this might protect some regular-income individuals, it results in lost tax revenue from wealthier players.
- A minimum 5-second spin duration requirement was enforced, diminishing the excitement of slot games and potentially prolonging gameplay unnecessarily.
The German market started to grow and has some 70+ casinos, but those casinos are crippled as they have only licenses for slots, compared to the UK or any other casinos which have card games, roulette and slots and other games.
I can envision the brainstorming sessions of German legislators who are eager to increase tax revenue from gambling.
- We want to generate more revenue from gambling, so let's impose a 5.3% tax on every spin (not tax from the winning as citizens do not like to be taxed). We will be unique and collect more from those who let our citizens play more.
- We want our citizens to have more fun. Guys, but casinos will probably decrease their games RTP due to the tax we invented, which will make our citizens unhappy as they will lose money faster. Hmm, Let's add some seconds to spin - I think a minimum of 5 seconds is great for our people. They deserve it. More is better. Yeah, we solved it!
- We also want to show that we are protecting our citizens, so what do you think if we will impose a limit of 1000 EUR per month in all the casinos? Yeah, this will work; we are so smart!
- I love those rules we created! Now how to do it? I have a friend who runs a software company. We will persuade all casinos to participate in this initiative, requiring them to share their players' expenditure data with us. In return, my friend will be pleased and may even compensate me after a few years. With this data about players, we'll be able to monitor who spends what and exert control over the people.
But back to reality: All my German colleagues who play in online casinos, play in casinos abroad. I know just 5 of them, so it is a pretty small sample. But I expect others to do the same.
Hopefully, GGL will not let Guru people ban my account here😉. Have fun!
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