Uverite se da amd proveri rtp na igrama koje igrate. Ne znam da li provajderi igara imaju različite verzije slotova ili su kazina u stanju da manipulišu rtp-om, ali primetio sam da ista igra ima različit rtp u različitim kazinima.
Prvi put sam primetio ovo na vinz.io, prebacili su se sa prikazivanja rtp% svakog slota na ivicu kuće%. (sada mi je jasno da su ovo uradili da ljudi ne bi primetili iznenadnu promenu u rtp%)
Primetio sam da neke igre koje su imale preko 96% rtp-a sada pokazuju skoro 6% prednosti.
Nekako su snizili rtp na mnogim slotovima od više provajdera. Upravo sam prestao da igram tamo i nisam baš istražio koji su sve slotovi, ali evo primera iz Nolimitciti slota Mental. Oba su snimljena nakon što se otvori utor u meniju.
Proveravam različite kazina i postoji mnogo varijacija u istim igrama između različitih kazina.
Moje pitanje je da li su u stanju da izmene rtp slotova kako da znamo da je postavljen na ono što je navedeno na listi???
Make sure amd check the rtp on games your playing. I dont know if game providers have different versions of slots or if casinos are able to manipulate the rtp, but ive noticed the same game having differt rtp at different casinos.
I first noticed this at winz.io they switched from showing the rtp% of each slot to the house edge%.(its clear to me now they did this so people wouldnt notice the sudden change in rtp%)
I noticed some Games that were over 96% rtp were now showing almost 6% house edge.
They somehow lowered the rtp on many slots from multiple providers. I just stopped playing there and didnt really investigate which all slots but heres an example from Nolimitcity slot Mental. These are both taken after staring the slot in the menu.
Ive check different casinos and there are lots of variances on same games between different casinos.
My question is if they are able to alter the rtp of slots how do we know its even set at what its listed as???
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