I ja verujem da se nešto promenilo. Igram u raznim onlajn kazinima više od 15 godina. U prošlosti ste još uvek mogli da ostvarite zaista visoke dobitke, ako ste postigli besplatne okrete, oni su zaista dobro plaćeni. Danas je to samo senka onoga što je nekada bilo, sesije bez pokretanja besplatnih okretaja čak ni jednom, kada dođu besplatni obrtaji svaki put plaćaju između 3k - 20k ulog. Bez isplata u periodu od nekoliko meseci i ne govorim o iznosima preko hiljada evra, ne, postao sam štedljiv tokom godina i isplatio bih ako bih osvojio samo 200 evra.
I ono što sam najviše primetio je da je sesija već unapred izračunata od trenutka kada je uplaćen depozit. Nema šanse da se igra napred-nazad kroz „sreću", ne, ove sesije su unapred programirane od trenutka kada napravite prvu opkladu tako da možete samo da dobijete ili izgubite. (Govorimo o slotovima, a ne o sportskom klađenju ili igrama uživo)
Ovo ponašanje se primenjuje na sve provajdere, bilo da su DAMA, Hollicorn, N1 Interactive,...
Stvari su se pogoršale, posebno u poslednja 4 meseca. Pre toga sam toga „polako" postajao svestan godinama, ali ono što se dešava poslednjih meseci je zaista ekstremno.
Zaista više nije zabavno i stvarno razmišljam šta bi bila alternativa. Da li da ponovo idemo više u lokalna kazina, da li će to biti korisnije ili je to samo iluzija?
I also believe that something has changed. I have been playing in various online casinos for over 15 years. In the past you could still achieve really high winnings, if you scored free spins they paid really well. Today it is only a shadow of what it used to be, sessions without triggering free spins even once, when free spins come they pay between 3x - 20x the stake every time. No payouts over a period of months and I'm not talking about sums of over thousands of euros, no, I've become frugal over the years and would pay out if I won just €200.
And what I noticed most is that a session is already pre-calculated from the moment the deposit is made. There is no chance of playing back and forth through "luck", no, these sessions are pre-programmed from the moment you make the first bet so that you can only either win or lose. (Talking about slots, not sport betting or live games though)
This behavior applies across all providers, whether DAMA, Hollycorn, N1 Interactive,...
Things have gotten worse, especially in the last 4 months. Before that, I became aware of it "slowly" over the years, but what's been going on in the last few months is really extreme.
It's really no fun anymore and I'm really thinking about what an alternative would be. Should we go to local casinos more again, will that be more beneficial or is that just an illusion?
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