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Paypal and Casinos?

 od Inferno
8.972 pregleda 18 odgovora |

Is there anywhere casinos left where u can deposit with paypal?

also from what countries...




There are! Choose your country at the top right corner of the website, then Online Casinos and then choose PayPal from the payment providers filter (see the attached screenshot).


yea. but none of these have pp as an options for deposit...for a long time now

they disable pp for many countries, that's why im asking...


Hello Daniel, 

I already discussed with Jozef many times in past. Filters just show all deposit methods which are available in individual casinos but unfortunately you can find many differences between Guru review and "Reality"because all methods are not available or provided in all countries and these data are missing in filter. But I have prepared actual data of available payment methods for individual TOP casinos available for Czech players and others testers are also preparing this data. 

Therefore, I strongly believe that the filter will work according to our expectations in the foreseeable future.


Inferno where are you from?(country) Maybe I can help you :D 

For example Sazka (czech licenced casino) accept PayPal ......




also can't register there , u can only if u are cz citizen.. also number is req



Right, it was reason why I asked for country. I remember has paypal but I am not sure if is usable for Serbia, maybe is intended only for Belgians. Check it.  


I can take a look in my data if I can find next casinos with paypal.

Jedino kasino koje sam mogao uplatiti putem Paypala bio je

Ali ne direktno od Paypala, već kupnjom bona putem Paypala

Prije otprilike 3 mjeseca mogli ste kupiti od 5 eura, sada mislim da je minimalna kupovina 10 eura.

Kada kupujete vaučer, on vam daje šifru, ovaj kôd prosljeđujete u casino chat i primate se na račun.

Kada povučete novac, izaberite medij koji preferirate: skrill, kreditne kartice.

Chat je dostupan 24/7.

Provjera računa traje 15 minuta.

Povlačenje za 10 minuta.

Imao sam ovde jako dobro iskustvo.

To je bilo jedino mjesto gdje sam mogao koristiti Paypal.

Dogodilo se i meni da sam ušao u druge kockarnice, pojavio mi se Paypal, ali to nije bilo dostupno za moju zemlju.

Automatski prevedeno:

I found only three casinos with Paypal ....

Drückglück casino


Betsafe - paypal available only for UK and Germany 

Thank you for tip but I am not interested into paypal as payment method because its very limited service in Czech rep. 

Paypal do not provide Mastercard in CZ. 

Ne znam zašto je tako malo kockarnica koje prihvaćaju paypal, možda ne primaju mnogo provizije ili će kockarnice biti vrlo teško raditi s paypalom?

Automatski prevedeno:

How did u find those ... NON of those casinos have paypal...

I quote agent: 


  • Alicia 4/8/2020, 5:47:43 PM
  • "PayPal has decided to withdraw from the casino and sports betting sector in Germany.
  • As a result, you cannot deposit with PayPal at this time."
  • Me:
  • is that for any country?
  • Alicia 4/8/2020, 5:48:44 PM
  • Yes for any country, because we are a german online casino

So no pp for any casino from germany... also i know many of them removing paypal as an option long time ago...idk why

but paypal suddenly don't want to have anything with gambling, revenue share sites, or any other similar bussines 


Ne znam zašto je tako malo kockarnica koje prihvaćaju paypal, možda ne primaju mnogo provizije ili će kockarnice biti vrlo teško raditi s paypalom?

Automatski prevedeno:

Volio bih isto znati.

To je pouzdano sredstvo plaćanja i pionir u elektroničkom plaćanju.

Da li je to zato što nudi takvu fleksibilniju politiku povratka i kockarnice rizikuju stalne sporove?

Automatski prevedeno:


None of other processors don't have disputes so it's easy.. 

i remember when they disabled revenue share sites, because of this look how many ppl have disputes here and on other sites, imagine on paypal... 

They focus on ebay/amazon/buying/selling/paying services... they don't care about gambling anymore, and that's not new this happens 6y ago, they only left service on some casinos until now, like lapalingo, but they ban even that now...

i wound somewhere that : Paypal returned to the U.S. online gaming market in 2015... I don't know if that's true if someone from USA can confirm..

Anyway i don't think there is casino in EU/RU/SA that accepts PP anymore..



Its depend on jurisdiction and provided services of payment method in each individual region. 

Example --- VeraJohn casino has so many options for deposit as guru shows Its exatly 11different method for deposit but players with pernament basement in CZ like me, Have only four options :  Paysafecard, ecoPayz, skrill and neteller .... 

However, this deposit method is not as popular as some other e-wallets, that's why they decided to focus on where they make most money.

Nowadays bitcoin and other cryptocurrencys have made a global phenomenon by building a universal payment system that provides a better faster financial environment.

Ne znam hoće li kockarnice kojima ću imenovati prihvatiti klijente iz cijele Europe

Ali ovdje u Španjolskoj ovo je lista onih koji prihvataju Paypal

Casino Gran Madrid, Casino Barelona, Retabet, PartyCasino, Merkurmagic, Luckya, Sportium, LeoVegas, Codere, Marcaapuestas, Paston, 888, između ostalih

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I dont think PayPal works with any casino nowadays, and with PayPal dispute and claim policies, I dont think casinos would be willing to use PayPal anyways.


Are there any limits (not just amount deposit/wit) when u use pp?

and are they working only if u have verified card? becacuse that's the same as using card basically?

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