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Radi se o vulkanu Vegas

 od Kevinderose
10.057 pregleda 24 odgovora |
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bok, imaš li iskustva sa vulkanom Vegas, skratit ću

Osvojio sam 13.800 eura Pokušavam da se isplati od 17. januara, ali nažalost nije funkcionisalo kako treba. Došlo je 1.000, a zatim je odbijeno 12800, navodno su iban-ova pisma bila mala, pa ja ne mislim, ali ok nova aplikacija opet od 25.1 i bilo je 12 puta 1000 i jednom 800 ok i 14 dana počinju ponovo od 25.1 do sad sam dobio 3000 eura je li to normalno?

Još nema žalbe, imam još 6 dana do isteka novih 14 dana

bez prigovora samo želimo čuti svoja iskustva

hvala unaprijed

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, there were actually German players mentioning similar issues with withdrawals. You can find the posts here:

Anyway, at least the first case looks like the player got his money.


Pročitao sam

hvala, pričekat ću još 6 dana ako se ništa ne dogodi ili bude ponovno odbijeno, odmah ću napisati žalbu, ne želim je, ali nemam izbora za Andréa i ako ne uspije, Odlazim u Holandiju da nazovem odvjetnika, jer da, uživao sam igrajući tamošnju licencu, nadam se da će ispasti dobro, a kasnije ću i dalje igrati tamo


Hvala ti

Automatski prevedeno:

It seems so far that they pay to the winners, but it takes them a lot of time for some reason. Let us know if you manage to get the money. Good luck! 🙂


Thank you I will let you know cheers


Ok, hvala, obavijestit ću ga 🎰

Automatski prevedeno:

Pozdrav Daniele, moj status svih uplata trenutno nije dovršen. Pitao sam u chatu što to znači da bi to trebalo značiti da ga obrađuju i trebalo bi pričekati da u četvrtak prođu 14 dana od drugog pokušaja

samo sam htio podijeliti kakav je status

Automatski prevedeno:

Jutros je na mom računu bilo 4800 ugodno iznenađen, da vidimo kad će doći ostatak čim sve bude na njemu, Vulkan Vegas dobiva dobru ocjenu 👍

Automatski prevedeno:

Nice! Congrats and thanks for the update! As I told you before, it seems they want to pay to players, but it takes a lot of time for some reason.

Nažalost, opet počinje. Status je ponovo promijenjen u novi, nema više tačnog pregleda povijesti plaćanja, a u chatu nema više odgovora kada pitam zašto se status opet mijenja

šteta je kad ovako ide sve je išlo tako dobro

sutra je završeno 14 dana 2. pokušaja


Automatski prevedeno:

Wow...but you received the first payment, right? So what the customer support told you?

I'm convinced that the casino accepts players from German, but they have huge problems with sending money to Germany. That's why it always takes so much time and so many attempts. It's not a coincidence that everyone complaining about withdrawals is from Germany.


zdravo da tačno od 13800 8800 je došlo distribuirano još nedostaje 5000 eura

Danas sam razgovarao i rekao mi je, molim vas pričekajte

da vidimo da ću te obavještavati

Hvala ti

Automatski prevedeno:

It looks good so far. Very slow indeed, but it seems like they want to pay it all.


Hi, Kevin, how is it going with your pending withdrawals? Have you already received the whole amount?

Hej, sve je sada trebalo dugo, ali došlo je but

Vulkan Vegas plaća, ali treba 🙂

hvala ti Danijele

Automatski prevedeno:

Glad to hear this. I believed that you'll eventually get it as everyone else on this forum, but it took a lot of time for some reason. There are multiple cases similar to your.


Thank you!

Hello i play and don't know what to do they delay payouts i won € 11169 of which the casino charged me 20% horror but well i'm trying to continue to run the € 9300 casino support at the beginning said to wait up to 14 days and that verification I passed back in 2021, after 5 days I wrote to the support service whether all is well they said no and that I should send them a payroll document and that I have not been verified and I need to wait again 14 days I think it's a scam and I will not see my money and unfortunately I invested € 2750 in this casino


Hello there,

I understand that it may look like a delay from your point of view, but as far as I understand, you were verified in 2021, so on the other hand, your personal information may be outdated. The fact that you have successfully passed KYC or any other verification in the past does not mean that you are verified for the rest of your life.

If I may, I ask you to cooperate with the casino, because if you don't you will not get verified and it means you will not receive the winnings. You've won quite an amount and it is also possible, that it triggered further checks, but do not worry - it's quite normal. 

Do your best to pass the verification (and yes it can take even 14 days in some cases), if everything is in order, there is no reason not to pay you out.

The verification does not mean that the casino is scamming you.

Tako sam pre nekoliko meseci osvojio neverovatnih 10.000 evra sa 20 centi na Cignusu 2. Posle nekoliko dana su mi isplatili novac bez ikakvih problema. Problem je u tome što vole da čekaju i vide da li ćete izgubiti deo novca ili, još bolje, sve. Samo moraš biti čvrst. Jedan od mojih "trikova" je da nakon nešto većeg dobitka postavim limit gubitka na određeno vreme kako ne bih bio u iskušenju da ponovo prokockam novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
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