Tamo gde budem uzimao kopije informacija, citiraću izvor - inače ću koristiti svoju priču.
Kao rezultat pada sa kockarskih kola, recimo , našao sam se uronjen u licenciranje onlajn kazina i istraživanje propisa. Ne želim da vas zamaram svojim padom, ali, kao početnu tačku, želeo bih da podignem svest o radikalnoj reformi i transformaciji Pravilnika o licenciranju igara i kazina Curacao.
Licenciranje Curacao (pre reforme)
Neću ulaziti u velike detalje jer ove informacije možete lako pronaći na mreži, ali ukratko, postoje četiri glavna nosioca licenci koji mogu da izdaju podlicence. Ovaj sadašnji sistem je, uglavnom, zastareo i potrebna mu je modernizacija.
Želim da istražim šta ovo znači za kazina sa Curacao licencama i što je još važnije šta će ove promene značiti za igrače, posebno za ugrožene. (uzgred, nemam nameru da ponovo budem igrač, za mene je ovo bio veliki poziv za buđenje, želim da se fokusiram na pomaganje drugima da izbegnu zamke)
„Počevši od 1. septembra 2023. godine, kockarski pejzaž Kurasaa će se značajno promeniti jer vlada planira da primeni stroža pravila o licenciranju.
Sadašnji sistem dozvoljava da se licence šire na pomalo neobuzdan način, pošto preduzeća sa licencom od strane vlade imaju pravo da ponude podlicence drugim brendovima pod sopstvenim uslovima.
Zabrinuti da bi to moglo da dovede do duboko nepoštenih praksi, vlada Kurasaa nameće novi zakon koji bi doveo do ozbiljnih transformacija u regulaciji kockanja na ostrvu. Kao deo ovih reformi, biće uspostavljen obnovljeni sistem sa Uprava za igre na sreću Curacao koja će biti zadužena za izdavanje i B2C i B2B licenci.
Sve ovo ima za cilj sprečavanje pranja novca, povećanje transparentnosti i odgovornog kockanja'
Promene su već u toku sa prelaznim periodom postavljenim na 2025. (onlajn portal je sada otvoren za aplikacije za nove licence i prijave podlicenciranih)
Ove promene će verovatno naići na određeni otpor i frustraciju za neke operatere i na tom putu će sigurno biti žrtava.
„Sve u svemu, novi zakon označava pomak ka strože regulisanom okruženju kockanja, pri čemu su sigurnost, transparentnost i odgovorno igranje u centru pažnje"
Where I take copies of information I will quote the source - otherwise I will use my own narrative.
As a result of falling off the gambling wagon, per say, I found myself immersed in online casino licensing and regulations research. I don’t want to bore you with my downfall but, as a starting point, I would like to raise awareness of the radical reform and transformation of the Curaçao Gaming Licensing & Casino Regulations.
The Curaçao Licensing (pre-reform)
I won’t go into great detail as you can easily find this info online but in short, there are four Master Licensing Holders who can issue sub-licenses. This current system, in the main, is outdated and was in need of modernisation.
I want to explore what this means for casinos with Curaçao Licenses and more importantly what these changes will mean for players, especially the vulnerable. (incidentally, I have zero intention of being a player again, for me this was a massive wake up call, I want to focus on helping others avoid pitfalls)
‘Starting September 1, 2023, the Curacao gambling landscape will significantly change as the government plans to implement stricter licensing rules.
The present system permits licenses to spread in a bit unrestrainable way, as government-licensed businesses have the right to offer sublicenses to other brands on their own terms.
Concerned that this could result in deeply unfair practices, the Curacao government forces a new bill leading to serious transformations in the island’s gambling regulation. As part of these reforms, a revamped system will be put in place with the Curacao Gaming Authority taking charge of issuing both B2C and B2B licenses.
All of this aims to prevent money laundering, boosting transparency and responsible gambling’
The changes are already in motion with a transitional period set to 2025 (an online portal is now open for New Licenses Applications and Registration of Sub Licensees applications)
This changes are likely to be met with some resistance and frustration for some operators and there are bound to be casualties along the way.
‘Overall, the new law signifies a shift towards a more tightly regulated gambling environment, with security, transparency, and responsible gaming taking center stage’