ForumOpšta Diskusija o KockanjuTips for avoiding scams in online gambling

Tips for avoiding scams in online gambling (strana 5)

pre 8 meseci od bellagonzalez84
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Hi this casino which I'm shock I don want to reveal its name as I end the registration. I has all kinds of stupid rules. Because I live chat them about their deposit playthrough requirements and they are not happy . Because they know are cheating and scam.

U see all online casino need only 1 wager of deposit in order to qualify for withdrawal. But this casino is cheating. I tell them when I go to Vegas with cash in $100g and play only 50% of it, and is 100% allow to cash out all of it any time. So I say they are scammer. They so angry that they come out with source funds. So watch out.

Players. Check their terms n condition in wagering requirements. If is more then 1x is cheating.

All players watch out rules for deposit withdrawal wagering play through requirement = must be 1x . If not is cheating. . Serious cheating how is the player going to win if player have to play through all deposit says 6x inorder for withdrawal. Which cheating casino require 6x play through. = Pled*o.

pre 1 meseca

Well, it's not cheating, unfortunately. In some casinos you have to wager a deposit multiple times and it happens more and more the more normal it is. 5x is enough and more would be unserious and 6x is probably the first time I've seen it. That would probably discourage me from playing too.

But did you succeed or not ? 

pre 1 meseca

Hej. Igram u kockarnicama oko 15 godina. Ono što možete primetiti je da je vreme provedeno u igri za depozit sve kraće i kraće. Nekada ste igrali nekoliko ili desetak dana za 100 evra. Možete nešto povući, pa izgubiti i povući. Danas je to samo trenutak igranja. Čak i sat vremena je dovoljan da izgubite bez ikakvog dobitka. Kao što je igranje nekada bilo zabavno i zabavno, sada samo treba da izgubite. AI i algoritmi su mnogo gori. Potpuno sam prestao da igram već nekoliko nedelja. Ova podešavanja su toliko nepravedna da sam potpuno izgubio želju da igram (mada priznajem da je to teško izdržati 😉 ). Ako neko nema takvo iskustvo i ne zna kako je to nekada bilo, ne vidi razliku. Nivo dobitaka je pao na samo dno. I pažnja... Mislim da sam igrao u većini kazina. Nažalost, svuda je isto. Postoje kazina koji su jasno fokusirani samo na profit i spremni su da igrate, gubite i ne vraćate se. Zato se toliko kazina svakodnevno pojavljuje na mreži.

Trenutno sam prestao da igram i iako je teško nekako sam zadovoljniji 🙂 Savetujem vam da ne verujete u bajke o nasumičnosti igara. Nije slučajno i jedino pravilo je profit 🙂 za potencijalne gubitke kupite sebi nešto lepo ili poklon za svoju decu ili nekog bliskog. Lepo je ... ozbiljno 🙂

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Hi and thanks for your contribution. I would say it is random and if you are interested you can read this guide

However, I definitely appreciate it if you take a break if you can't and definitely your view that you can use the money for something more meaningful rather than playing slots. That's a very nice view. 

I hope it lasts as long as possible. 🙂

pre 1 meseca

That y you lose to this scammer. Be it sports or game all casino be it online or Vegas walk in . All 1 x wager cash win and you can cash out all.

I will expose all his scammer with unfair tactics.

I always play win once and cash out in casino or sports. This is the first time I see deposit must be play 6x no wonder players lose.

pre 1 meseca

This is the first time I've seen it being 6x. But actually I've seen enough times that it's 3 or 5x, so it's not something that's strange for me. 

Anyway, I understand your feelings and I probably wouldn't play in a casino like that anymore. 😥

pre 1 meseca

Any one here can recommend me a good sports casino ? With all markets?

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pre 1 meseca

You know what . Beet365 one of biggest cheats. Long ago no longer using them. If you see their feedback you will know. This book maker is condemned long ago

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Onda ne mogu pomoći. Zašto ne igrate u azijskim kućama? Tamo pobeđuju po sasvim drugom principu. Imaju i kazina, imaju i promocije. Tržišta su izuzetno malobrojna, ali vrlo niska marža. One na koje se kladi veliki novac, ostale su sa "standardom". Ne mislim da su Bet365 "prevaranti", ali u svakom slučaju, možete misliti šta želite. Azijske kuće ne mogu biti, pobeđuju sa profesionalnim kladioničarima, to je sasvim drugi ekosistem. Imaju botove koji prate kladionike i menjaju kvote na osnovu uspeha kladionika. Upravo to se prepisuje iz evropskih kuća. Ali greške se dešavaju u procesu i, shodno tome, gube novac od profesionalaca. Dok Azijati nemaju grešaka, uvek pobeđuju, nema potrebe da varaju, u čemu je stvar!?

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pre 1 meseca

Svuda se ljudi žale da se slotovi „samo uzimaju i više ne daju". Možda zato što su različiti... Mnogo su raznovrsniji. Zato što mnogi ljudi vole ove vrste slotova. A u kockarnicama su slotovi uglavnom takvi. Kao neki stari klasici koji su doterani, sa džekpotima i velikim dobicima. Što ih čini promenljivim i sa veoma različitim „ponašanjem". Takođe, ovo je donekle mera protiv lovaca na bonuse. Jer na taj način nisu posebno privučeni, teže je, potrebna im je mnogo veća banka, postoji i rizik da ne verifikuje račun, jer to nije na njihovo ime, ali je u pitanju mnogo više novac. Od „uobičajenog"... . Pronašao sam odgovarajuće bonus slotove, ali su od nepopularnih provajdera i prilično su novi. Što znači da kazina još nisu stavili na crnu listu.

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pre 1 meseca

Any one here can recommend me a good sports casino ? With all markets?

pre 1 meseca

Hi, I see you've already got some recommendations, so you can write later how you did there. We don't focus on sports betting so I probably won't be able to recommend something that would suit you. But what is important for you to have a bookmaker ?

pre 1 meseca

Right now all I can say almost all online gaming casino betting 90% of them are pure scam. Even the the remaining 10%. Even is real , they still restrict you after a threshold or you win above USD $3000. Be it sports or gaming or blackjack. They come will out will all fake reason that you cheat and block you. Trust me. Only a few is real. So now I limit my bet anything above $1000 USD is live casino be it sports or what ever. Win cash out asap no excuse no kyc nothing. As I say you walk in live to casino say Vegas $100000 cash win and asap cash out. No kyc needed. online is convenient but due to many scam not paying winners. They are qualified to play for me now I place $10. To $300USd. Win withdrawal that it . No roll over.

pre 1 meseca

I didn't understand..Neither with the translator. If you make such a large bets, why do you need "all the markets"..My post is deleted. Did I have a ban or something. Why? He shouldn't play in Europe. At this stage. What wrong did I said?

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I mean if you have such a "capital", when you should avoid Europe , it's Asia that you seek..Here is my post, sorry, I am high, early at the morning. I mean, mate, in Asia no limits. No limits for nothing. People do bet 10 000 euro and nothing happens. It's normal there...And they don't care what do you win. As long someone is betting against you...No all the markets, no..But for the casino, you can bet whatever and no restrictions . nothing, you can withdraw you money at the moment. If you want to..I mean for the sports bets, you can bet 10 000 , as long someone is betting against you, if the coefficient is low, you can bet even more..And they don't ban people, why should they!? If you win, they want to win WITH YOU, they want you to win. Their money are not your money.They don't want your money. If you play sport bets.

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I mean the bets are so large, they are full of money, they don't need your 10 000 or 20 000 or whatever. They need info. 2% is the margin, only two. If you are a clever one, you can beat that and pay nothing for gambling. Or even win..I mean +EV bets..Of course it's be a little, 2-3% ROI, but it's different from gambling, you pay 2-3% at every bet. To gamble in the casino..If you use 100$ bet at some slot, you pay $3 very time, 100 times at hour. Simple math...Very expensive "hobi"..If you know nothing, you can just support them. For example England - Angola, some match , there almost for certain England will win. everyone is betting for England, millions and millions in bets. They need support, so support them. They will pay you for that...If you win, you both win, you and the booky, you win together..I am not lying..Why should I ?

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What do I mean..Maybe it's hard to understand. For example the same match. It's 2 or 1.95 for Angola +3.5 handicap , i don't know the exact strength, this is just for the example. You see in the other bookmakers 1.80 for the same selection. This means "Help!". This means "it's too much, help us". And you answer, you bet at this. And you make a +EV bet. It's still gambling, but the chances are better for you, not for the house, like in the casino betting.And if Angola loose only with 3 goals, you both win, you and the booky. They win as well..You are not an "enemies". But friends...They don't "hate" you, they don't want you to loose, they want you to win.

And if you are such a crazy gambler, you can bet for 0:0. They will pay you even more...And like you even more, lol..But you will loose very often. Still will be +EV bet, because the coefficient will be very high. If you have enough money, nothing wrong in that. You are not a "pure gambler", you are a "pro bettor".

And what about the skills? Let's say you know something about some team. You follow this team, you know everything. You see something and the coefficient is wrong. You see this as "wrong" . You know something, what they don't. You bet, you win, they loose money. They still don't hate you. They start to follow you. Next time you bet, they change the odds after your bet. "Ok, lets see what you know about this". You win, they win as well. You are friends again...

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pre 1 meseca

I am just joking 🙂...You can delete everything..Or I will..

pre 1 meseca

"Mando"?..."Clearly"? How this can be more clear? If you see some Asian house, they say "pro players welcome". And this is not a joke. The pro players and Asian houses make profit TOGETHER. From people like you. But a lot richer people. Who are attracted from the lower margin. Which is possible, because the Asian booky have pro players behind them, they work together. And no one can beat the pro players. Even the bookies with all this "AI", algorithms, data base and etc..And you are just a gambler. Go on, go gamble , hoping for a big win. Having "fun". It's no "fun" in this. Nothing funny to lose a money. In some stupid looking game. With all this fruits, animals and etc. Goon, have fun...Pay for my rent. And thank you...

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pre 1 meseca

Dear player,

As you can see, we admins are not the only ones who don't understand you. Could you perhaps try to avoid other misunderstandings and use your mother tongue instead? This forum provides an inbuilt auto translator; perhaps it's time to give it a try. I would also like to remind you that your tone is not very friendly. Please be respectful, or your post will be hidden and your account closed.

We all aim to have friendly and easy-to-comprehend conversations without offensive tone or "stupid gambler" expressions.

Shall we agree on following the guidelines, please?

I hope we can.

pre 1 meseca

Mislite li da će biti jasnije? Sa prevodiocem? Mislim da se dovoljno jasno izražavam na engleskom. Ali dobro...Smeje se i ruga mi se. Da li ćemo tako da igramo? Ok...Ali da, on je najsmešniji ovde. Daje vam sumu novca u igri koja se svuda opisuje kao "gubitnička" igra, Niko ga ne laže. Niko mu ne kaže drugačije. Ako se kockate, IZGUBIćete. Gubi, a onda nekome nađe grešku. Ne u sebi, već u nekom drugom. Da su bili prevaranti. Ko te tera da igraš kada ti kažu da ćeš izgubiti? I sad gunđaš. I smejete se nekome ko kaže da možete zaraditi od toga, sve dok to radite kako treba. U ovom životu nema "lakog novca". Nećete pobediti ako počnete da igrate ove mašine sa voćem, majmunima itd. Ne... To će i dete razumeti. Nema ništa loše u tome da se "zabavljate" sve dok to možete sebi priuštiti. Ali onda se žaliti, to je već smešno. I šteta je...

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pre 1 meseca

Bet365 su bili "prevaranti". Ovo je ono što je rekao...Bet365 je najveći sportski operater. I zarađuju milijarde od sportskog klađenja. Gde nije moguće prevariti. bet365 ne mare za tvoje penije..nisu im trebali tvoji peni. Da čine zločine da bi vam ih uzeli. Svejedno ćeš ih sebi dati...

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