Šta mislim..Možda je teško razumeti. Na primer, isti meč. To je 2 ili 1,95 za Angolu +3,5 hendikep, ne znam tačnu snagu, ovo je samo za primer. Vidite u drugim kladionicama 1,80 za isti izbor. To znači "Pomoć!". To znači "previše je, pomozite nam". A ti odgovoriš, kladiš se na ovo. I pravite +EV opkladu. I dalje je kockanje, ali šanse su veće za vas, a ne za kuću, kao u klađenju u kazinu. A ako Angola izgubi samo sa 3 gola, obojica dobijate, vi i kladioničar. I oni pobeđuju..Vi niste "neprijatelji". Ali prijatelji... Ne mrze te, ne žele da izgubiš, žele da pobediš.
A ako ste tako ludi kockar, možete se kladiti na 0:0. Oni će vam platiti još više... I kao i vi još više, lol.. Ali ćete gubiti vrlo često. I dalje će biti +EV opklada, jer će koeficijent biti veoma visok. Ako imate dovoljno novca, u tome nema ništa loše. Vi niste "čisti kockar", vi ste "profesionalni kladioničar".
A šta je sa veštinama? Recimo da znate nešto o nekom timu. Pratiš ovu ekipu, sve znaš. Vidite nešto i koeficijent je pogrešan. Ovo vidite kao "pogrešno". Ti znaš nešto, šta oni ne znaju. Kladite se, pobedite, oni gube novac. I dalje te ne mrze. Počinju da te prate. Sledeći put kada se kladite, oni menjaju kvote nakon vaše opklade. „U redu, da vidimo šta znaš o ovome". Vi pobedite, pobeđuju i oni. Opet ste prijatelji...
What do I mean..Maybe it's hard to understand. For example the same match. It's 2 or 1.95 for Angola +3.5 handicap , i don't know the exact strength, this is just for the example. You see in the other bookmakers 1.80 for the same selection. This means "Help!". This means "it's too much, help us". And you answer, you bet at this. And you make a +EV bet. It's still gambling, but the chances are better for you, not for the house, like in the casino betting.And if Angola loose only with 3 goals, you both win, you and the booky. They win as well..You are not an "enemies". But friends...They don't "hate" you, they don't want you to loose, they want you to win.
And if you are such a crazy gambler, you can bet for 0:0. They will pay you even more...And like you even more, lol..But you will loose very often. Still will be +EV bet, because the coefficient will be very high. If you have enough money, nothing wrong in that. You are not a "pure gambler", you are a "pro bettor".
And what about the skills? Let's say you know something about some team. You follow this team, you know everything. You see something and the coefficient is wrong. You see this as "wrong" . You know something, what they don't. You bet, you win, they loose money. They still don't hate you. They start to follow you. Next time you bet, they change the odds after your bet. "Ok, lets see what you know about this". You win, they win as well. You are friends again...
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