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Trenutno se klađenje na sport

 od lauarual
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1 23

Pitam se šta će se u ovom trenutku, na neodređeno vrijeme na neki način događati s kockarnicama i kladionicama, u kojima nema sportskih događaja.

Može li to na kraju uzrokovati da se zatvore?

Očito ih pogađa financijski.

Da li je na njemu presudilo neko kazino?

Automatski prevedeno:

Of course it must hit them as well as other industries. Even online betting companies could have some serious issues since there are only few sports events. On the other hand, I'm convinced that these times are going to bring more customers to online casinos, but you need to keep in mind that once the financial crisis will hit the World (and I'm sure it will come), some people will probably gamble less.

They started to offer ESPORT events. 

Electronic league FIFA - has like 13 matches today, as i saw, + 

some Nicaragua ,friendly games.. basically there is always something to bet on,don't worry.

Also they mainly focusing on casinos r now, as they offer 10% on deposit on all cards, + some free spins and stuff..

Ažurirano od strane autora

Dok će utjecati na one sa fokusom na sport; I ja mislim da su online kockarnice.

Kao što kažete, i slažem se s tim, ekonomija općenito pogađa i ne vjerujem da se rade isti iznosi.

Automatski prevedeno:

I wonder if the bookmakers will take bets on the Virtual Grand National on 4th April. I know the tote are betting on it but that will be pool betting and not fixed odds. It will be interesting if they do and how the betting community react to it.


They will take chances wherever they can.

So , yes.

As you said before, the amounts of wagers will be lowered a lot, and that's what it has been happening after every recession. I think is just about time (and not to much time) for things to drastically change in order to survive as we're looking tournaments merging into e-sports like NBA and La Liga, it's going to happen with the rest of activities.


The gambling industry will be affected, yes. But not that hard

The important thing to consider too are the government regulations. It's already difficult gambling here and I'm sure there will be more restrictions with this situation, like is happening in Spain. Governments are trying to maintain people's well being by giving subsidies and for those it's counterproductive allow people to loss money on gambling

Everything at the moment is stopped but in some places there are offers on e-sports. However, It really doesn’t catch my attention. It’s great to bet on live sports and watch it on TV.


Of course it affects them, it’s like you had a job yesterday and you got fired today. The answer is very clear. The important question is what you say, will this eventually cause them to close? everything depends on people because there are many offers online and demand is high.


Yes, those are regulations that affect everyone

The only thing I know so far is that there are enough betting offers on e-sports and I don’t feel very good to participate because sometimes I don’t even know the teams

Kockarnice sigurno trpe mnogo gubitaka, ali vjerovatno nadoknađuju to što su Esportsi također popularni. Mislim da je to dobra promjena i ukazuje na bolje načine za zabavu tokom pandemije.

Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno, kladionice i općenito cijeli ekonomski svijet mnogo trpe. To je neizbježno zbog ove pandemije. Ali siguran sam da su sjajni pronašli način za opstanak iako su mali možda već nestali.

Osobno mi nedostaju sportski događaji i olimpijske igre koji su najviše odgađani. Radujem se što ću uskoro vidjeti moje omiljene igrače.

Automatski prevedeno:

Operatori za klađenje nisu tako moćni koliko mnogi vjeruju. Oni također imaju svoje loše iskustvo i posljedice nakon pandemije.

Osobno ne volim Esports jer nisam upoznat sa igračima i čini se da je nemoguće znati ko će pobijediti.

Automatski prevedeno:

Apsolutno prema Marcialu: Esport je savršeno rješenje za mnoge internetske kockarnice, ali loša je strana što nisu tako popularni kao uobičajene sportske igre. Mnogi moji prijatelji, na primer, odbijaju da igraju FIFA i klade se na igrače koji ne znaju šta će biti razlog da izgube novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

For me, i would really prefer esports betting, because there are gonna be so many matches to bet from and it will give you a lot of chances if you really know the team you are betting on.

Izmenjeno od Daniel
Razlog: Zabranjen link

I feel like it's quite dangerous to bet on esports. Many tournaments and matches don't really have too good prize money so it's worth for the players to for example lose on purpose and bet on the opponent. It's difficult to reveal this since anyone can have a bad day and play badly on the computer or gaming console.

Nesumnjivo je da je potrebno imati strategiju ako želimo ovu vrstu klađenja odvesti dalje od običnog hobija. U hobiju možemo više riskirati, možda. Slažem se da je prije svega važno definisati koji je naš limit i koliko smo novca spremni uložiti, te s tim na umu odabrati i kladionicu. Na primjer, lično, moja omiljena stranica za online klađenje je uvijek bila ova. Ali moram da se ne složim u ovoj analizi između klađenja protiv ili u korist favorita. Mislim da je to previše pojednostavljeno. Da biste zaradili novac, trik je u tome da otkrijete koje su šanse pogrešno procijenjene, bez obzira da li su za ili protiv.

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: casinos link added
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I love sports betting. Its one of the most popular in gambling for wagering on sports, which taps into the passion of sports fans.

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1 23

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