Iskoristio sam bonus bez depozita i ispunio sve uslove.
Uradio sam svitke.
Završio sam verifikaciju računa.
Uplatio sam depozit i kladio se 2 puta.
A onda sam povukao profit. Morao sam koristiti skrill jer su rekli da metoda debitne i kreditne kartice trenutno ne radi.
Nakon 4 dana odlučio sam da vidim šta se dešava i zašto nema novca, ali se ispostavilo da mi je račun bez razloga blokiran.
Uzeli su mi novac bez razloga.
Ima li šta da se radi ili su to samo prevaranti?
I used the no deposit bonus and fulfilled all the conditions.
I did the scrolls.
I completed the account verification.
I made a deposit and bet it 2 times.
And then I withdrew the profit. I had to use skrill because they said that the debit and credit card method doesn't work at the moment.
After 4 days I decided to see what was happening and why there was no money, but it turned out that my account was blocked for no reason.
They took my money for no reason.
Is there anything to do or are they just scammers?