Takođe imam malu napomenu: kako ja to razumem, nije svaka neoriginalna igra izmenjena pomoću RTP-a. S druge strane, takođe verujem da nedostatak prostora za slične diskusije sa direktno uključenim stranama ostavlja igrače da se drže najnegativnijih pretpostavki.
U svakom slučaju, najrazumniji pristup ostaje igrati samo u licenciranim kazinima sa jakom licencom i korišćenjem, po mogućnosti, kreditnih kartica. Ok, veoma cenjeno!!
I also have a tiny note: The way I understand it, not every non-original game is altered by the means of the RTP, though. On the other hand, I also believe that the lack of space for similar discussions with directly involved parties leaves players to stick with the most negative assumptions.
In any way, the most reasonable approach remains playing only in licensed casinos with a strong license and using, preferably, credit cards. Ok, much appreciated!!