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My concern about Pragmatic Play (strana 12)

 od giannis400
86.084 pregleda 284 odgovora |
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Hello I just want to say that I finally win some decent amount with pragmatic .. i made at least 6 withdrawl in the last 3 weeks .. (CAD$) 600$650$2000$ 1500$ 1000$ and 1250$ Some good money .. I need to give them credit for this because I made a comment about them on this trend.. but you need to know I play this since a couple of months and I made some little withdrawls only .. it is rigged ? I honestly believe that these games are rigged but they will pay you at some point and I think that some casino site place the RTP very low manually .. you can see a good online casino when they do fast withdrawl and you can see when they are bad too they take a lot of time to proceed your withdrawl and they find all reasons only to keep the money .. they wish that you will cancel the withdral and keep playing with the money be careful where you play find a good one with high RTP and fast payout


From 1000 euro to 100 euro on sweet bonanza by scamatic play. What a puke. Pathetic s*it! 😉


I think I already asked you that. Why do you keep biting on the pragmatic if you then come up with screenshots like this ? Is it necessary for you to lose money or how should I understand it ?

Pragmatik je posle svakog skandala nekoliko puta menjao ime. „Pragmatično" je ovo drugo, očigledno. Promena prezimena je bila , jer je vlasnik uhvaćen u krađi progresivnog džekpota. Ne znam tačno kakva je bila šema, niko ne zna tačno. Ono što se zna je da je sponzorisao svoje bliske prijatelje, od kojih je jedan bio čak i njegov telohranitelj. Shodno tome, ovi ljudi počinju da kruže dok ne osvoje progresivni džekpot, a zatim čekaju da se ponovo akumulira. Nije neka krađa ili prevara, ali je netačno. Shodno tome, očekujemo da ova osoba bude iskrena, što je naivno…

Imam nekoliko incidenata koji meni lično (u mojim očima) 100% dokazuju da je onlajn kockanje namešteno. Na nekim mestima svakako jeste. U kom je tačno obimu, nikako da znam... Ali priča je duga, mogu da objasnim ako nekoga zanima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe, Pragmatic je prvobitno NEBIO da RTP Pragmatic slotova mogu da podese kazina. Tada su priznali da se prilagođava, ali samo u roku od nekoliko procenata. Netipično ponašanje za poštene ljude. Očigledno...

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, do you have any proof or an article or something that confirms what you say ? I'd be quite interested in that jackpot situation as well. 

As for the RTP, I know that casinos can choose some version, but they certainly can't adjust it how and when they want. That's at least my knowledge in this area. 

Kakve dokaze stalno tražite, mi nismo na sudu. Imate li dokaz da su igre fer? Da ti odgovorim na isti način. Kome smeta da se bavi istraživanjem, videa i članaka ima na internetu, nije da ih ja čuvam.

Ono što je Pragmatic rekao je da postoji opcija podešavanja RTP-a u intervalima od nekoliko procenata. Oko 96% ili koliko ima do min 90%, recimo. Ne sećam se tačno. Tako nešto, kao što rekoh, samo sam podelio informacije, ne interesuju me razni sporovi, dokazi se izvode na sudu, a ne ovde. A gde su tvoji? Kako se tačno ovim RTP-om manipuliše i ko, to nikako ne znam. Pa, vi ste poznatiji. Kao poznatiji, verovatno ste svesni da je maksimalni RTP za slotove napisan svuda. Što je u suštini varanje... Sa strane kazina, naravno. Ne iz Pragmatika. Ne u ovom slučaju...

Naći ću nešto da pokažem. Ne sad, sad nemam vremena.. Ali ovaj "dokaz", ovo je samo smešno, kakav "dokaz" hoćete!? Pokaži mi svoje... Počinješ da zvučiš kao ovi prevaranti. "Pokaži mi dokaz"...

Automatski prevedeno:

And this is a scam. He can give money to his friends, to play for the jackpot, this is not a scam, not cool though. But probably he was using his own platform. There are so many casinos, probably one or more of these are his...


So I came across that you said "owner stole a progressive jackpot" if you say something like that, you don't just say it into the air. 

As for the RTP, I agree that if the casino has adjusted it to less from the beginning, then it is not right to show a higher value because that would be cheating for me too. Proof I just wanted to add to what I already wrote in my first sentence, I also said it would be interesting to see. As for RTP, I know it can be as you write and not every casino is honest. So you don't have to be defensive right away, but we can discuss it calmly without you having to call me a scammer. 🙂

Yes, he "stole" the jackpot, but no one can proof that. Even FBI..How they can do that? It's impossible...If FBI can't find a "proof" , how can I do that? Can you find a proof for the opposite?

Those casinos are not at his name. Still they are his casinos. He is not an idiot. He is much clever than you and me for example..

They can ask them "Why this no one, this bodyguard have so much money?", "Show us how you earn those money, you are a criminal". "No, Im not, I have a rich friends, they give it to me, is this against the law? To take money from someone, so ask him." And they "Why you give so much money to this guy? And why he play at your slots" , "I give some money to my friend, he can do whatever he want to do with this money"..And that's it. It's not Russia or something, mate, they can't do sh1t about this scam.

The people started to talk about this and he changed the name to "Pragmatic". And he we are , playing the slots of the owner, who is a scammer. Are they rigged? Who knows..No one knows. But it's more likely they are rigged. Than not..I mean the chances are bigger than a random game provider. He is a criminal. With a criminal mindset..Not like you. You are not a criminal, what's why is so hard for you to believe. But that's the reality, sorry, if you don't like it. No one likes this. They still play those slots, those people, because they don't want to believe as well. They are not sure..No one know for sure.


This is the issue with viewpoints on practically every unfair facet of gambling. Ultimately, the proof is the only thing lacking. I know you are really worried about what you say, but without concrete evidence, words are just words. Maybe you should look for something worthy of your trust; if you generally do not think casinos are reliable and slots are random, this is something worth a try. Don't believe in streamers? Don't follow them.

In any case, that is what I would do.

I agree many things seem shady in this world run by money; I would prefer not to be consumed by the uncertainty, however. Better to leave something I probably can't change.

For instance, I honestly don't believe casinos need to temper with slots; some providers even offer scaled RTP values for the very same games, and if someone wins, I'd say it's easier to find any kind of rule violation in order to void the winnings. But I think this is out of the topic.

I'm not quite familiar with the rest of the post, I'm sorry. I'll leave that aside for now.

I can say a lot about this. And I mean A LOT. But shortly, "most of the games are NOT rigged" . It's impossible for most of them to be rigged. And it's impossible for all them to be fair. However , if there are some rumors for some casino or provider been "rigged", then avoid this. Why not? There are so many providers and houses..What do you lose, if you change the provider? Are they offer something unique? Some unique "experience"? No, they not..So why you play there? What is wrong with you?


Nothing to add, nothing to subtract.

Don't buy bonuses, don't play their slots. This is not a reliable company offering honesty in terms of randomness of algorithms.

Only a class action lawsuit could get rid of this pest once and for all.


Najveća prevara, jednostavno. Potrošeno preko 50.000 evra za 3 godine. Možda je 5 puta stigao do k10 runde Big Bassa i jednom ulovio ribu 2000k. Toliko o tome da niste izmanipulisani? U stvari, veoma izmanipulisano. Ako igram samo 3 igre 3 godine i 99,8% besplatnih okretaja (na hiljade njih) isplati maksimalno 30k ulog, to može biti samo prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:


Do your self the biggest favour you could do your self and stop playing slots completely. As a player for 7 years I can tell you ALL!! Providers are scammers so 🛑 like I'm doing now.

Najveća prevara, jednostavno. Potrošeno preko 50.000 evra za 3 godine. Možda je 5 puta stigao do k10 runde Big Bassa i jednom ulovio ribu 2000k. Toliko o tome da niste izmanipulisani? U stvari, veoma izmanipulisano. Ako igram samo 3 igre 3 godine i 99,8% besplatnih okretaja (na hiljade njih) isplati maksimalno 30k ulog, to može biti samo prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:

I probably wouldn't last that long playing slots that give you little back. I don't think that's the best solution and I would definitely either stop playing slots or stop trying this provider. If you feel that you are not doing well in the long run, then I don't see the point in spending more and expecting a different result. 😥

Dakle, ako Pragmatic Plai igre nisu prevara, ne znam šta jeste. Evo slika iz poslednja 2 dana. Ako neko misli da su dobici sa tako velikim brojem besplatnih okretaja bili veoma dobri, onda da budem iskren, nešto grešim. Svi besplatni okreti su na Big Bass Bonanza Božić i Noć veštica. Za mene, sa preko 50 besplatnih okretaja po 1, 1,20, 1,50 i 2 evra, to je mnogo prenisko. Svaki put, nijedan ribar ne dođe u 2. krugu. A ako dođe, nijedna riba ne dođe. Prosto neverovatno!!


Automatski prevedeno:

Over than 50 bonuses on stake 0.2 euro. 4 profits (no one winnings over than 250x) 10 return and 36 lost of bunus buy. (This night in Nine Casino)

Until the end of this year I will inform you all that these are international criminals who are currently using specialist software based on AI that generates winnings using a pseudo algorithm based on the processed metadata of a given player, looking through the prism of the overall balance of profits/losses with this provider. A few months ago, after publishing a post on caisno guru, where I poured out my bitterness, they decided to run epic algorithms for me, so that I would live in this illusory illusion that you can win with them. They did this just so that I would continue to play their slots. Of course, I lost all my winnings, and now I am losing more deposits with this provider. There will be 18 of them, totaling over 6,000 euros. I don't feel sorry for this money. Eat these virtual numbers in the form of money as much as you can, pragmatic play. And so God will judge you all and you will burn in hell after death. 🙂

They are read this thread. Don't think they aren't. (:

And what if they admit that they are thieves of people's money and souls? This business will always and forever be a lie. Amen.


Dakle, ako Pragmatic Plai igre nisu prevara, ne znam šta jeste. Evo slika iz poslednja 2 dana. Ako neko misli da su dobici sa tako velikim brojem besplatnih okretaja bili veoma dobri, onda da budem iskren, nešto grešim. Svi besplatni okreti su na Big Bass Bonanza Božić i Noć veštica. Za mene, sa preko 50 besplatnih okretaja po 1, 1,20, 1,50 i 2 evra, to je mnogo prenisko. Svaki put, nijedan ribar ne dođe u 2. krugu. A ako dođe, nijedna riba ne dođe. Prosto neverovatno!!


Automatski prevedeno:

I don't know if it's appropriate for me to say the same, but if I were you I wouldn't be playing these slots or casinos in general. It's not fun to lose money and if you don't do well it's pointless in my opinion. I know I've commented on your posts before and I don't know what more I could say except that it would be good to take a break.


I always avoid pragmatic play. In my whole years trying casinos and testing providers PRagmatic play has become one of the worse, they have tons of nice effect to keep the player attached to the game but that is all. I believe they follow the same methodology of Aristocrat Games but even more aggressive.

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