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My concern about Pragmatic Play (strana 14)

 od giannis400
81.343 pregleda 284 odgovora |
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Vaši besplatni okreti su obično na ulozi od 10 centi. Bio bih zaista srećan ako bih mogao da dobijem 160 puta svoj ulog na 2 evra ili 5 evra. Na svim mojim snimcima ekrana dobijam ispod 100 evra za ulog od 1 evra do 5 evra. Zato sam postavio sve snimke ekrana

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Hmm then I partly understand that you are trying to keep the players informed. But I think that despite that a lot of players are still playing their games. I have seen with my own eyes players who have made high wins from buy bonuses and players who could have bought 20 bonuses and not made a profit. It's just the way it is, but I wouldn't try to prove it by spending more money. You've shown enough here and you've been joined by a lot of other players and if it's worth it to you to spend even more, then it's a shame because you could have made better use of it.


Grešiš. Jasno je da ako imam 100k besplatnih okretaja u roku od 3 dana na opklade od 1 evra ili više, a da nisam u mogućnosti da dobijem 100k više, sve je stvar stava.

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And I still say, whatever it takes for some players not to try it anymore. We're going to go around in the same circle talking about the same thing and I've probably written all I can on that. I'm not questioning anyone's experience, it's gambling. If casinos were to control the winnings at any provider, it would cost them a lot of time, effort and reputation. Do you think every casino needs that? I'm not saying that there can never be a rogue casino, there are plenty of them, but when you don't win 100x your bet on free spins, unfortunately it's not something that's uncommon. 🤷‍♂️

Zaista mi se sviđa Gates of Olimpus slot od ovog provajdera, ali slotovi kao što je Dog House me zabrinjavaju

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I'd say the whole world can be divided into two parts: the first, which loves the Gates of Olympus, and then the rest 😀.

Well now seriously, what makes you so worried about the Dog House, anyway?


Psi vole da jedu mnogo depozita, svi znaju za to, pa igraju veoma pažljivo na ovom slotu.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's what I would say all slots prove. Dog house has one of the better bonuses in my opinion, where if you manage to catch good houses, you can win a nice prize. Have you ever managed to do that or not? 🙂


Deposit 1000 euros and play at a stake of 5 euros and we'll see how many bonus rounds You can catch xD

And best of all, record a video of this session and upload it for us so we can see this epic win, so that together with you we can celebrate these unforgettable moments that bring so much joy. <3


Ah I don't gamble because for me money has more value than spending it on such things. I speak rather from what I have seen with my own eyes. But that's not to say that it's the best slot and you always win on it or anything like that. I could, as you say, deposit €1000 and lose it all and I could deposit €100 and walk away with €1000. 😉


Da, to se desilo, ali ako se uzme u obzir svo vreme koliko sam igrao, psi su ipak uzeli više nego što su dali.

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, that could be true. In the end, the casino will always take more from the player than it gives, so with that advantage on their side, I wouldn't play much. How you have it? How often do you play? 😁🤔

Lost 4500$ in casino , I hate slots 😭😭😭

Yesterday playngo legacy of dead slots drank all my money away.


If you have this feeling, I would probably advise you not to play. It's not worth it to not have fun and lose money. 

Anyway, this is a Pragmatic Play thread and you're talking about PlaynGo, is that related? 

Ovo bi trebalo da ima neke veze sa srećom?? Tako da imam 30 od 30 besplatnih okretaja svaki dan. Nikad ne mislim da bi to bila postavka. Zabavite se gledajući video zapise. Imam 1000

Automatski prevedeno:

Novi depozit, isti disk. Navodno nasumično hahah

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Još jedna utakmica, Splash, još bolji rezultati. Tako da je ponovo 500 evra uspešno odigrano uz divne besplatne okrete 🙂

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Ponovo super besplatni obrti za dobrih 250 evra u super novom kazinu

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Sa dobrih 600 evra u Bullcasinu, imao sam 2 besplatna okretanja na Big Bass Božić od najvećeg prevaranta Pragmatic Plai, sa ukupnim dobitkom od 45 evra. Nažalost, zato što sam bio toliko ljut, nemam nijedan snimak ekrana besplatnih okretaja. Do danas, najgore iskustvo koje sam imao.

Automatski prevedeno:


Epic scammers in action. The last one screenshot is super bonus buy worth 300x of stake (zeus & hades slot). I'm finally done. Thank You Pragmatic Play for everything. You are the best provider I've ever play in my life. Casino Guru You can delete my account permanently. I don't need that anymore. (:

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