Vi bolje poznajete objektivnost od nas koji igramo satima, pa šta mi ovde radimo, jesmo li tu da se dogovorimo?
Ne nazivam sve kazina prevarama, vi to kažete.
Znate i vi da igram da izgubim, pa šta da kažem, znajte da igram igrice koje plaćaju hiljade evra kada se igra pravilno
Ne pretite mi, premlad si da mi pretiš. Bio si me upozorio, a šta se desilo da si me upozorio, da li da plačem zbog toga?
Koliko ovo što pišem pomaže drugima, to se vidi iz kontinuiranih odgovora koje mi daju i iz mnogih ljudi koji učestvuju u diskusiji, slažući se sa mnom. E sad ako ti se ne sviđaju, baš me briga, pokaži svoju Demokratiju nekom drugom, ne meni, ok?
Uostalom, ko si ti da mi govoriš šta da kažem?
Ne kontaktiraj me više, radi šta hoćeš, ali nećeš mi više odgovarati, slažeš se?
kako ni ja neću biti uključen.
Zabrani ih sve, onda će se oni koji su ostali složiti sa tobom lol.
Rekao bih vam i koliko smatram vašu pretnju isključenjem, ali neću da psujem i neću da psujem, dobro veče
You know objectivity better than us who play for hours, so what are we doing here, are we here to agree?
I don't call all casinos scams, you say that.
You also know that I play to lose, so what can I say, know that I play games that pay thousands of euros when played correctly
Don't threaten me, you are too young to threaten me. You had forewarned me, and what happened that you had forewarned me, should I cry for it?
As for how much what I write helps others, it can be seen from the continuous answers they give me and from the many people who participate in the discussion, agreeing with me. Now if you don't like them, I don't care, show your Democracy to someone else, not to me, ok?
After all, who are you to tell me what to say?
Don't contact me again, do whatever you want, but you won't answer me again, agreed?
as I will not be involved either.
Ban them all, then those who are left will agree with you lol.
I would also tell you how much I consider your threat of exclusion, but I don't want to swear and I won't swear, good evening
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