Nisam znao da su to stvarne stvari i da postoje određeni izrazi koji se koriste za strategije klađenja. lično nemam tačnu strategiju što se tiče igranja slot igara. Ja sam tip osobe koja ne brine mnogo o tome. Kladim se samo na osnovu toga kako mislim da bih u ovom trenutku trebao. To također ovisi o toku igre, bez obzira na njen RTP. Dakle, ako mislim da imam sreće, postupno povećavam svoje oklade. Ako ne, onda smanjujem oklade ako trend nije dobar.
I didn't know that these were actual things and that there were certain terms used for the strategies in betting. personally, I have no exact strategy when it come to playing slot games. I am the type of person who doesn't care much about it. I just place bets based on how I think I should at the moment. It also depends on the flow of the game, regardless of its RTP. So, if I think I'm getting lucky, I gradually tend to increase my bets. If not, then I decrease my bets if the trend is not good forme.
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