NaslovnaForumSlotoviSlots in your experience you should avoid!!

Slots in your experience you should avoid!! (strana 2)

 od Anonymized417
19.353 pregleda 55 odgovora |
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Just look at casinomeister i have a thread about scaming netent… i lost almost 20k euro in 2 weeks over 50 bonuses and not one of them paid mor than 30x… the i had 1 in funmode it paid 360x bet. So in 1 year and over 50k eurp loses on just 1 slot and over 200 bonuses it did not pay.. but in funmode 1 bonus and that one paid 360x.. Netent are the bigger discusting scammer in the world.. there is absoulutley no potential on ther games, expet doa


Which NetEnt slot did you play? I tried other slots from different providers and I can’t find one I like apart from Finn and the Swirly spin but I’m going through my biggest win drought ever over €900 and nowhere near a win just dead spins and poor bonuses. I’m playing tonight but it definitely could be my last(I know I always say that!!) but if I don’t get a win that’s it I’m out for good. I don’t know how you can win on Gonzos quest even if you get the free falls 7/10 are normally dead. I have had some good wins on Finn but at the moment the slot seems worse than ever.

Which NetEnt slot did you play? I tried other slots from different providers and I can’t find one I like apart from Finn and the Swirly spin but I’m going through my biggest win drought ever over €900 and nowhere near a win just dead spins and poor bonuses. I’m playing tonight but it definitely could be my last(I know I always say that!!) but if I don’t get a win that’s it I’m out for good. I don’t know how you can win on Gonzos quest even if you get the free falls 7/10 are normally dead. I have had some good wins on Finn but at the moment the slot seems worse than ever.

Only Gonzos quest… chek my thread at casinomeister.. "cant win on Gonzo"

Got bonus on 30€ stake- 450 it paid.

then i got the bonus on 40€ stake— 9 spins vad deadspin and 1 winspinn 750eu.. this provider is scam nothing ells


I played, at one casino for 3hrs ,Finn and the Swirly spin deposited €50 won €833 😀 deposited £100 at another casino and could have cashed out and won £100 on top but gambled and lost it 😫 I now and have for some time only played Finn because it’s the only slot I found stimulates my brain when playing it. Lost a fortune of course over the 4yrs I have been playing it but had some good wins. Casino always Wins = the first rule of gambling.


starburst is ridiculous garbage game one of the worst on the market without a doubt. no wonder it's in every house. stay away from this shit. from netent no game like this sucks

I tried my luck this week. over 5000 spins on starbust. loss so far of 850 stakes. my best win so farfile


I never got the 2 central stars up once all the time I played it. Given most of them were free spins offered as a join up bonus to online casinos.


this slot is a steal, stop, always comes two wilds but always with lower prizes, it will never come out in profit with that too bad I don't play netent slots ever again


I know many people loved Starburst back in a day, but I've never seen any significant winnings on it to be honest.

910 euro deposits.. 2 euro stakes… not even 1 bonus trigger on their biggest scam slot Gonzo quest.. I hope somone bombs this provider


Hello there. Even though I don't like bombing at all, I'm asking myself:

Would you get the same result while playing in fun/demo mode?

If you consider it worth a try, mind the free games section:

(I find this part interesting in regards to your comment, kind of fits:

"The RTP of 96 % can be considered somewhat of an average in the world of online slots. That means that there are games which are worse for the player in the long run, but there are also many slot games that are much better in terms of RTP."

"In terms of volatility (variance), Gonzo’s Quest can be considered a medium variance game. That means that the game generally awards medium-sized wins with medium frequency, at least when compared to other video slots.")


No inwould say Gonzo is a lov vilatile game but act and plays like a hig… It used to be a really good game ehen the realis the game back in 2010… I hade massiw wins on it several 10k and one 38k euros.. but from 2017 it has been gimped… like many of netents game…

Uvek mi je smešno ovaj RTP-od koliko okretaja ovaj RTP mora da primeni-100 obrtaja-1000 okretaja 5 miliona okretaja? sri smešno

Automatski prevedeno:

A couple millions of spins could be a good representation of a game's RTP, but will someone ever reach said number? A game I have played a lot lately is Hacksaw's Plinko and its RTP is 98.98 (not sure) allegedly in a simulation of 10 millions spins/drops, I have played something around 60k rounds on 0.40 USD and I'm pretty much breaking even on the low volatility with 8 and 13 rows setting, so far I can say I have experienced its intended return, although the game is a slow money burner

Non-jackpots, because playing jackpots is much more fun 😀


Dakle, na dobrom nemačkom, ovaj RTP je za guzicu! Izvini ako moram da uradim desetine miliona okretaja da bi se RTP izbrojao, za mene to više nije ozbiljno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dakle, na dobrom nemačkom, ovaj RTP je za guzicu! Izvini ako moram da uradim desetine miliona okretaja da bi se RTP izbrojao, za mene to više nije ozbiljno.

Automatski prevedeno:

But why would you want a game to stick to its RTP in all your sessions? You will always lose money, because no game has a return over 100%. Let's say you play a slot with a 96% RTP which is pretty much the average for slots, and you spin it for 200 spins, that small session can have a return of 500%, or it can get you a 20% RTP, but if you played that same game for 5 millions spins you will probably get an RTP of 96% (which is a loss), maybe this is not the best way to explain it but I think it's the easiest way to get it

I to, nažalost, niko ne može da dokaže. RTP ne znači ništa drugo ako igram sa ulogom od 1 evro i uradim 100 okretaja, a imam RTP od 95%, trebalo bi da bude 95 evra na računu posle 100 okretaja. Jasno mi je da ovako nešto naravno nije za očekivati, ali da ovo što se dešava već neko vreme uopšte nije moguće. Kao igrač, ne radim milione okretaja u jednoj igrici u jednoj sesiji, da bi RTP u nekom trenutku mogao da važi.

Za mene se ovaj broj uzima samo zato što ne možete da ga proverite. I primetno je da, pošto ste bili u mogućnosti da kupite besplatne obrtaje, dobijate sve manje besplatnih obrtaja sa normalnom metodom - a to nema nikakve veze sa kockanjem ako mogu da kupim besplatne obrtaje. ova funkcija je napravljena za strimere. Tako da nastavljaju da kupuju besplatne okrete svojim lažnim novcem. Jer to izgleda mnogo bolje nego kada strimer uradi 1000 okretaja i ne dobije ništa.

I smešno je da odjednom kada se igra, scatter odjednom nestane i da ih nema ni u kolutovima.

A ako gledate utakmice onda ćete naići na mnoge čudne nedoslednosti koje ranije nisu bile slučaj. I naučio sam da ne gledam rolere i mogu vam reći šta se promenilo u nekim utakmicama u odnosu na ranije.

Nemam problem da izgubim, imam problem ako prevariš igrače - ne radi se o meni, već o nama igračima.

Na pitanje zašto bi igra trebalo da se drži ovih RTP ocena? Drugo pitanje zašto postoji ovaj RTP? Jer ako oni ne moraju da se pridržavaju, čemu onda to meni?

Automatski prevedeno:

Imao sam sjajna iskustva u velikim bas serijama od sredine decembra.

Da li ste primetili kada uradite Bigger bass Bonanza ili Bigger bass Bonanza bliizard hvatanje normalnih okretaja da nemate skoro nikakve šanse da dobijete besplatne okrete? Uglavnom samo na kolutovima 1+4 ili 2+3 i do 90 i bez raspršivanja. Možda ćete jednom dobiti scatter na drugoj poziciji, ali morate očekivati mnogo okretaja.

Isto sa Big bass splash ili big bass Bash sa reload spinovima. Zato smatram da je besmisleno ako osećate da vam je potrebno 30-50 obrtaja za ponovno učitavanje da biste jednom dobili 3. scatter.

Uradite nekoliko okretaja preko 300 da biste dobili 3 besplatna okretanja - dva puta 3 scattera ostaju stajati i jednom kroz respins. Forza Fair Plai.

I ne može biti da su igre napravljene tako loše da se vi kao igrač osećate prinuđenim da kupujete besplatne okrete ili prelazite na turbo okretanje samo da biste videli raspršivanje na drugim pozicijama

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