NaslovnaForumSlotovistrategija za pobedu na slotovima

strategija za pobedu na slotovima

 od carmelof83
1.662 pregleda 8 odgovora |

Zdravo svima, napravio sam ovu temu jer sam hteo da podelim sa nekim ko je dostupan moju strategiju igranja slotova koja me je naterala da zaradim dobre svote novca... i proverite zajedno sa drugima da procenimo da li je to samo slučajnost ili su slotovi Pokušao sam da imam pravu šemu isplate

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there!

This is always a very refreshing topic. Yet I would like to start with the most important part: gambling is only for fun. It costs you money, and the longer you play, the more likely you'll lose in the end.

Casinos hold a major advantage over players called "house edge". Additionally, slots are the most favorable kind of game for casinos - not for players.

Find out on your own in an online guide called "Online Slots Guide – Slot Machines Explained" 👈

So no, you can't establish a regular income, meaning winnings, by playing in a casino.

I'm sorry it feels like I'm tutoring you, but I prefer to be honest at this point.

Anyway, feel free to use the search bar! It's a great tool indeed, helping you find threads of interest:


Would you perhaps share more details of the possible coincidence you mentioned? Sounds like you've been lucky. 🙂


Veliki pozdrav. Ne bih rekao da je imao sreće! Mogu ti dati svoj broj mobilnog. 392/9674158. Možda možemo da razgovaramo preko VhatsApp-a

Automatski prevedeno:

za sve koji žele da me kontaktiraju putem Vhatsup-a 392/9674158

Automatski prevedeno:

Veliki pozdrav. Ne bih rekao da je imao sreće! Mogu ti dati svoj broj mobilnog. 392/9674158. Možda možemo da razgovaramo preko VhatsApp-a

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. I'm glad you feel lucky 🙂. You know, there is no need to talk via WhatsApp. This is a gambling forum, after all. Maybe you can just tell me what you would like to discuss, and we can do so here.

Have you perhaps tried browsing the guides I sent to you earlier?

Thoughts? 😉

Ažurirano od strane autora

ali da li zaista mislite da postoje strategije za pobedu u kazinu?

Automatski prevedeno:

To tell you the truth, I think not. Because the casinos always have an advantage over the player who loses his money here. So it's possible that a player might hit a big win and then I would stop playing, because it always happens that the longer players play, the more they lose and eventually pay the casino back. 

But what do you think ? 🤔

Tačno, mislim baš kao i ti

Automatski prevedeno:

So then we are on the same wave. You can't make money from casinos and certainly no strategy will bring long term results. So you have to be careful. 🙂

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