Hej momci, oktobar je stigao! I volim HALLOWEEN i sve nevjerojatne slotove koji dolaze s njima. Igrao sam mnogo različitih slotova godinama, a neki od mojih omiljenih su o zombijima i vješticama. Međutim, nedavno sam pročitao članak u CasinoVIPOffers o Zombie Queen i u iskušenju sam da to isprobam, nikad nisam. Šta kažete na sve vas? Koje ćete slotove igrati ovog mjeseca?
Hey guys, October is here! And I love HALLOWEEN and all the amazing slots that come with. I have been playing a lot of different slots over the years and some of my favourite have been about zombies and witches. However, I recently read an article at CasinoVIPOffers about Zombie Queen and I am tempted to try it, never have. How about you all? What slots will you be playing this month?