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Podići novac (strana 3)

pre 2 godina od Ozze22
36.521 pregleda 91 odgovora |
12 3 45
pre 2 godina

Hi Ozze22,

I hope that you'll get fair and straight support and explanation. As far as I understand now, the check is still running, right?

pre 2 godina

porodični problem)

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Ne. Ali su mi zaključali nalog jer sam bio osumnjičen da sam igrao na nameštenim utakmicama, neka im je sa srećom. Moj prijatelj radi kao menadžer za prevare u Švedskoj, a moj drugi prijatelj je advokat. Oni će ići tamo zbog prekršaja i prevare, nikada se nisu kladili na sumnjive nameštene utakmice, imaće potpuni dokaz sa mojim svim igrama na snimcima ekrana igara na slikama sa itd. gotovi su😂😂😂😂

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pre 2 godina

Hi radka nothing happends in my case, my account is banned and they say only again again again my case time can take up too 6 weeks. I haven't played on any suspicious bets I know that fpr150% but I still understand why are they still is so stupid agains mee....I have told they that my frien works as fraud police organisation in sweden so they must have so much evidence against me if I want get my money I will take it to a trial. I have told them. I dont know what I should do any more. What do u think?

pre 2 godina

Hi Ozze22,

I believe that you should consult this case with a specialized lawyer first. My experiences with sports betting are very limited, but now we're talking about the court. Such a decision should be taken only after serious consideration, true specialists should be involved first.

Have you tried those sports betting webs I sent you back then? I wonder whether you gained some advice there.

pre 2 godina

Zdravo opet radka. U idealnom slučaju, ne želim to da iznosim ni na jedan sud. Ali kažu da imaju pravo da ne daju koji mečevi su rešeni, čudan je osećaj. Mislim da bi bar trebalo da dobijem odgovor od njih. Ali ako biste pronašli nameštene utakmice nakon njihove istrage protiv mene, sigurno će oni morati da kažu koja ili koja utakmica je ipak nameštena? Ali ne postoji nijedna za koju znam i koja može da mi leđa budu slobodna😊😊Koji sajt ste mi preporučili?. Hvala na pomoći...najbolje je verovatno da sačekam, ali neću popustiti. Rekli su da istraga traje najviše 6 meseci.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Which bookie accused you of betting in a fixed match? I couldn't find the name in the thread, I suppose it's a shady Curazao bookie 😂 majority of bookies and casinos that scam users are from Curazao, if you want a safe place to bet use Betfair exchange or Betdaq, or any betting exchange, better odds and accounts doesn't get stake limited, as long as you are fully verified there shouldn't be any problems.

pre 2 godina

Misteri take. Ali igram dugi niz godina u kladionici Curacoa do sada mnogo godina bez problema. Ovo je prvi put da se ovo desilo. Ali mogu da okrive sebe, imam mnogo dokaza protiv njih i jedan od mojih prijatelja je advokat, a drugi moj prijatelj radi u lancu prevara kao šef policije u Švedskoj, oni su ocenjeni sa 7,6 od 10 od strane kazino guru. Rekli su da je potrebno najviše 6 meseci da se to proveri, moguće je da koriste moj novac za isplatu drugim igračima. Ne mogu samo da kažu da sam se sumnjivo kladio i ništa više, mogu da ih odvuku na suđenje i onda to moraju da dokažu. U Švedskoj možete da vidite gde je novac otišao prilikom deponovanja jer imamo bankovni ID koji je naša identifikaciona oznaka. Sada igram u kladionici Curacoa i nema problema sa depozitima i isplatama. Ne bi igrali na misteke da nisu odobrili igrače iz Švedske. Videćemo šta će biti. Nikada nisu sreli nekoga ko se ne predaje 😊 nikad ne znaju koje kontakte imam kada počnem da molim sa njima.... Hvala na savetima

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Which bookie accused you of betting in a fixed match? I couldn't find the name in the thread, I suppose it's a shady Curazao bookie 😂 majority of bookies and casinos that scam users are from Curazao, if you want a safe place to bet use Betfair exchange or Betdaq, or any betting exchange, better odds and accounts doesn't get stake limited, as long as you are fully verified there shouldn't be any problems.

pre 2 godina

Hello SunsetGaze - Just a hint:

if you click on the user name under the profile picture circle, you'll find the player's history here on the forum - complaints are included.


In Ozze22's case, you can see that the complaint is about MyStake.

You may find it useful in the future, I hope. 🙂

pre 2 godina

The way I see it, accusing someone of something without providing evidence or backing their claim in any sort of way is defamation, not sure what the course of action would be on your side since you are european and the bookie is from Curazao. I suppose they simply don't want you as a customer and is looking for excuses to not pay out, which also implies they are struggling financially, not surprised, that casino/sportsbook looks like a Stake copy/rip off (that famous crypto casino). I'm sorry for your losses, I hope they correct their ways and pay you out, what really is funny is that they think someone would bet a regular amount in a fixed match and not dozens of thousands of euros to take the most of it, why would anyone use their service to bet on a fixed match instead of betting in a bigger European bookie or a betting exchange? They are just making excuses to not pay

pre 2 godina

Hvala za odgovor. Ja sam Evropljanin, znam, ali na njihovoj strani oni su vani, jer nude igrače iz Švedske, da nisu ponudili igrače iz Švedske, ne bih ulazio sa novcem i kladio se na njihovo klađenje strana, oni to ukidaju, možete tu osuditi za prevaru zbog toga su napisali suprotno da iz Švedske ne možete da igrate, onda ne uplaćujete novac. Kažu da je istražni rok maksimalno 6 meseci i to zato što moraju sigurno da dobiju novac da bi mogli da isplaćuju novac igračima. Da uvučem svog prijatelja iz korena prevare unutar policije u Švedskoj u ovo, oni su na lošem mestu, kakve izgovore imaju😂😂 nude igračima iz Švedske. Vidite gde je nestao sav moj novac, povučen je sa mog računa uz identifikacioni kod banke koji imam samo ja. Onda ih možete tužiti na sudu za klevetu i prevaru. Dakle, mistake sebi ne olakšava, samo sebe stavlja u lisičju rupu, ne znaju kakve kontakte imam 😊 Ti i ja možemo da ostanemo u kontaktu ovde, izgleda da znaš malo o ovome. Sačekaću 2-3 meseca, a onda će biti akcija sa moje strane. Gde drugde na bilo kojoj veb stranici možete podneti prijavu protiv kladioničarske kompanije kao što ste rekli. Neću odustati od ove stvari 😊 Rekao sam im u mejlu da imam svoje kontakte u Švedskoj u prevari roteln i da imam prijatelja koji je advokat, oni iz kic kažu da imaju pravo na to i to Ovakva istraga traje najviše 6 meseci. Videćemo šta će biti. Had good. Čuli smo se sa gospodinom Ozkanom

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Since your case is about sports betting, I think you should file a complaint with their regulator (Curacao E-Gaming) at:

To be honest I don't know how useful it would be, provide as much detail as possible about the situation, add their gaming license (1668/JAZ) and explain everything with absolute detail, I have heard they take weeks to answer, but I believe it's worth a shot

pre 1 godinu

Zdravo radka ovde dolazi malo u formaciji na imidž način filefilefilefile Napisao sam ovde i dobio sam ovaj odgovor. Šta sve ovo znači? Itd. ozkan

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

ja ću ti odgovoriti.

To znači da je regulator primio vašu žalbu i daje kazinu rok od 7 radnih dana da odgovori.

Sve uključene strane (vi, kazino i regulator) će međusobno komunicirati tako što će svima odgovarati na ovu e-poštu koju ste primili. Dakle, kada budete morali da odgovorite, obavezno pošaljite e-poštu tako što ćete odgovoriti na obe adrese e-pošte u otvorenoj žalbi, dakle i na CEG i na Mistake.

Mistake mora da predstavi dokaze da odgovori na žalbu, inače bi se CEG složio sa vama.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Zdravo i hvala na odgovoru. Možda ste pratili moju nit. Možda se ovo čini dobro za mene u mom slučaju? Da li treba da im više odgovaram? Da li treba da brinem o bilo čemu? Znam za sebe da nisam igrao ni na jednom određenom meču ili mi je moj ulog blokirao nalog. Mvh ozze

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Thank you carsix79!

pre 1 godinu

Hi there,

I'd say, if you want to be worried about something, then be concerned whether the casinos will respond to the authority - because if not, I believe it will cause delay.

Give it the announced time, you shall see what happens then. 🤞🤞🤞

pre 1 godinu

Morate da sačekate da kazino odgovori, ali ako želite da dodate nešto korisno svojoj žalbi, možete.

Nisam baš razumeo za šta te kazino optužuje. Na šta ste se kladili na namešteni meč? Ako je tako, to je očigledno neosnovana prevara.

Ako CEG-u ne pokažu kršenje za koje vas optužuju, videćete da se regulator slaže sa vama.

Na njihovom mestu bih im takođe oduzeo dozvolu jer je ovo očigledna prevara koju je kazino pokušao da vas izvuče.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Takođe se pitam zašto je Casino Guru odbio vašu žalbu. Ako vam posle meseci kazino još uvek nije dao odgovor, to znači da nemaju odgovor i pokušavaju da se izvuku.

Ili nemaju likvidnost da plate isplate i pronađu bilo koji način da produže vreme odgovora. Pogledajte samo koliko ima otvorenih žalbi u kojima se od igrača traži da verifikuju kreditne kartice koje nikada nisu koristili.

Ako pogledate i najnovije recenzije na Trustpilotu, primetićete koliko se mnogo žali na ovo.

Trebalo bi da ima lošu reputaciju u bazi, ali umesto toga...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Ive got the answer why came from guru casino to me. I want to cooperate with you but you refuse to tell me what I have done wrong? What suspicious matches have I played on? I have deposited a total of 3686 Euro and have 3288 Euro in my account now. I have lost 440 euros. How then have I been able to play on suspicious bets? If I had bet 1,000 euros and won 10,000 euros, then you can expect something, but as I said, I am down 400 euros. in addition, I have pictures of my account that is registered with you and other pictures of the games I bet on and a picture of my account with you where it says that I have 3288 euros. sometimes you get the feeling that you might not get your money paid out and then I have to have proof so I know what I'm talking about. i have bet on european football, nba, asian football, nhl and swedish bandy on ice and world cup football, i don't know messi, neymar or any players where you suspect me of suspicious games😊😊 even i'm minus 400 euros. first it was my card that was blocked due to fraud there you have my evidence with the police report and from the bank and it's strong evidence and now I'm suspicious of suspects what, now I don't understand anything but I'm starting to suspect some other things that I myself have been deceived by you, I have read about you and you have a rating of 7.6 out of 10 at casino guru and that is a good rating, that is why I chose you this time and that Swedishplayers are welcome all my deposits are approved with my bank id and my personal code . All of a sudden now I'm suspicious bets??? this means my money is lost have played on other curacoa betting sites and have never been treated this way, how could I influence big teams or players in Europe, USA etc??😊 this feels strange to me? what matches is it about??? I want to cooperate with you but it seems that you do not want to do this, if I have now made suspicious bets, then you must be able to prove this to me if you have a rating of 7.6 on mystake and welcome Swedish players. now now i am very worried because i have lost 3288 euros for nothing or i can say this i feel like i have been cheated and robbed of my money by you i can't affect any matches what i know like i said don't know messi or neymar😊😊 I know you have your rules in curacoa but you must be able to cooperate with me and talk about which suspicious matches or teams I have become suspicious bets for? because otherwise it is the case that I have been cheated by you of 3288 euros. as I said, I put in 3686 euros, so I'm minus 400 euros, it feels strange with suspicious bets, if I had bet 1000 euros and won 10000 euros, then you might get banned. I hope you will open my account so that I can continue to play deposit and withdraw money with you but you must also be able to cooperate with me as you did with casino guru and convince me, have opened accounts on other curacoa betting sites and there has never been a problem like this after kyc verification i know i have not made any suspicious bets i have bet for many years but never been robbed or cheated by any company and mystake with 7.6 out of 10 is very good rating. I thought it was about my blocked card, this was about that, so I got all the papers from the police and the bank, but all of a sudden I'm accused of suspicious bets??? now I don't understand anything. it's nice to know that I haven't done anything like that and glad for it but now I want you to cooperate with me and be honest only played 1 month with you. tell me exactly which matches or suspicious bets and teams that I am suspected of as I said I am 400 euros minus with you and someone who makes suspicious bets wins big money and does not lose 400 euros? I am waiting for an answer from you as you can answer casino guru so you can answer me with. otherwise I feel robbed and deceived by you at mystake. I hope you understand me. I want to cooperate with you and hope you want it too and I expect an answer. unfortunately cannot give away 3288 euros for something that I have not done, if I have made suspicious bets then I have done something wrong and something gross. hope you will answer me soon. because I will not give up. Best regards özkan omerov 

12 3 45

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