Vrlo mali broj kladioničara dozvoljava igrače iz Holandije bez dozvole. LCS ograničene kladionice imaju i ja već imam ADR sa drugim LCS ograničenim kladionicama koje ne isplaćuju. Sa Svenplai-om nemam ADR (alternativno rešenje spora) jer sam mislio da će mi možda isplatiti. Rekli su da će platiti što je pre moguće, ali iz bezbednosnih razloga još nisu mogli. Samo se nadaju da ćete zaboraviti ili odustati od svog povlačenja. To je samo 410,93, ali oni vole da se odreknete bilo kojeg iznosa. Držite se dalje od svih LCS ograničenih kladioničara i upozorite druge. Pošto su i sami kriminalci, vide zločince u svima drugima. Drže moj novac skoro mesec dana.
Very few bookies allow players from the Netherlands without licence. LCS limited bookies do and I already have ADR with other LCS limited bookies that dont pay out. Svenplay I dont have ADR( alternative despute resolution) with because I thought they would pay me out perhaps. They said they would pay out as fast as possible but for security reasons they could not yet. They just hope you forget or give up about your withdrawal. It is just 410.93 but they like you to give up any amount. Stay away from all LCS limited bookies and warn others. Because they are criminals themselves they see criminals in all others. They hold my money for almost a month now.