Uopšte vam nije stigla e-pošta da potvrdite vašu adresu e-pošte? Pitaću Jurja i javiću ti.
Naravno, kada se turnir završi, ovi mejlovi se šalju i ponekad odu u neželjenu poštu, pokušajte da vidite da li imate nešto tamo. Zatim proces je da potvrdite svoju eamil adresu i sačekate vaučer. Nije trenutno jer Juraj mora prvo da ih dobije. Ali ne morate da brinete da ako ste bili na pobedničkom mestu i uradili sve što je trebalo da uradite, ne biste dobili ništa.
No email came to you at all to confirm your email address? I'll ask Juraj and let you know.
Of course, when the tournament is over these emails are sent out and sometimes go to spam, try to see if you have something there. Then the process is that you confirm your eamil address and wait for the voucher. It's not instant as Juraj has to get them first. But you don't have to worry that if you were at the winning place and did everything you were supposed to do, that you wouldn't get anything.
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