Zdravo, Juraj pokušava da pošalje mejlove pre nego što primi vaučere kako igrači ne bi morali dugo da čekaju između odgovora i slanja vaučera. Takođe mora da sačeka da stignu pre nego što ih može dati igračima. Ne znam tačno koliko će to trajati, ali rekao bih možda nedelju dana. Ako se ništa ne promeni, javite mi pa ću se raspitati o celoj situaciji.
Čestitamo na pobedi i nadam se da ćete više uživati u našim turnirima u budućnosti.😅🎉
Hello, Juraj tries to send emails before he receives the vouchers so that players don't have to wait long between replying and sending the voucher. He also has to wait for them to arrive before he can give them to the players. I don't know exactly how long it will take, but I would say maybe a week. If nothing changes, let me know and I'll inquire about the whole situation.
Congratulations on your win and I hope you will enjoy our tournaments more in the future.😅🎉
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