Dobar dan ljudi širom sveta i guru tim, samo vas obaveštavamo da turnir opuštanja igara još uvek ne funkcioniše. Znam da je to ponekad problem sa turnirima za opuštanje igara, često dan posle, ali umesto da budem nestrpljiv, pomislio sam da bi bilo bolje da obavestim vas i ostale članove samo u slučaju da vam niko nije skrenuo pažnju na ovo. Ostali turniri rade dobro, samo da vas obavestim guru tim! : ) brini se!
Good afternoon people around the world and the guru team, just letting you know the relax gaming tournament is still not working. I know this is sometimes an issues with the relax gaming tournaments, often a day after, but instead of being impatient I thought it would be better to inform you and the other members just incase no one has brought this to your attention. The other tournaments are working fine, just to let you know guru team! : ) take care!