NaslovnaForumTakmičenja[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher!

[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher! (strana 16)

 od Daniel
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It would be when I was 12 years old and was with my mom, dad, brothers and dog Zorro. I was bored at the time but now I would do anything to all be together again. ❤️

Very grate web site


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I remember the best Christmas I had it was when I was 10 years old and my older brother just finished high school and got himself a really good job.he knew I always liked the Nintendo games from that first Nintendo that came out after Atari the very first Nintendo ever I used to love that thing it was the best electronics that everything came out for a kid back in these days .the Nintendo games ran about 50 to 60 ddollar's a pop back then that was the late 80 and early 90s so that was a pretty penny back then .my brother knew how much I loved that Nintendo and how much I loved getting new games for it he knew that mom would save up money just to be able to buy me one Nintendo game for that Christmas year and I was always excited and looking forward to opening that one game my mom would always buy me. so back to my brother since he landed that great job after highschool he went out of his way and went and bought me 10 brand new Nintendo plus the one I always got from my mom so Total of 11 Nintendo games all new one I ended up receiving that year and it was so awesome. that was 30 years ago from today 12/24/2021and that memory last with me as always being the best Christmas I ever had to this very day.

Najbolji poklon je bio moj prvi laptop 🤣 Imala sam oko 8 - 9 godina i tražila sam ga cijele godine. Za mene je to bilo totalno iznenađenje jer sam se umorio od toga da ne, jer nema novca, da neću znati kako da ga iskoristim, da mi ne treba i beskrajna opravdanja.

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Stvoren sam na ovom svijetu da ga živim, bio on dobar ili loš. Poklon je život koji živimo svi zajedno ❤

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My best Christmas gift is New day


Grisi papagaj yaco, bez sumnje je bio najbolji poklon jer mi je dao puno iluzije i to je iluzija koja je trajala do danas i jos uvijek volim da je imam😍

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Kada su mi rekli da sa Kube odlazim u Meksiko

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here is the story:

Since i was a kid I said to myself - one day i will be able to see the live show "Le Cirque de Soleil" -

The time passed, I start traveling over the world, and deep in my subconscious there was that vague dream. Then one day before Christmas, My roommate asked me all out of the blue

-I have a gift for you, I don't know if you will like, but before let me know; have you seen Le cirque de Soleil?

-OF course i know them, why you ask, ? don't you...

-- YUp, I have one extra Ticket for you Firs view to The Live Show.


And to make the story short. That was the best Christmas Gift i ever received. The irony of that is that was the last Show that Canadian Corporation had before they went out of business because of Covid.


Moj najbolji rođendanski poklon se desio pre tačno godinu dana, 2020. Te večeri 25. decembra osvojio sam Bronzani džekpot od Apollo provajdera u Bet & U kazinu. Bilo je to takooo iznenađenje koje se riječima ne može prenijeti. Kao snijeg na glavu, bang bang, a na vaš račun je prebačen iznos od 8300 ₴. Samo tako, bez klađenja i drugih uslova. Mojoj radosti nije bilo granica. Bio je to pravi poklon za božićno drvce. Pamtiću to do kraja života.

Srećno svima i srećni praznici!!!


Automatski prevedeno:

I remember the best Christmas I had it was when I was 10 years old and my older brother just finished high school and got himself a really good job.he knew I always liked the Nintendo games from that first Nintendo that came out after Atari the very first Nintendo ever I used to love that thing it was the best electronics that everything came out for a kid back in these days .the Nintendo games ran about 50 to 60 ddollar's a pop back then that was the late 80 and early 90s so that was a pretty penny back then .my brother knew how much I loved that Nintendo and how much I loved getting new games for it he knew that mom would save up money just to be able to buy me one Nintendo game for that Christmas year and I was always excited and looking forward to opening that one game my mom would always buy me. so back to my brother since he landed that great job after highschool he went out of his way and went and bought me 10 brand new Nintendo plus the one I always got from my mom so Total of 11 Nintendo games all new one I ended up receiving that year and it was so awesome. that was 30 years ago from today 12/24/2021and that memory last with me as always being the best Christmas I ever had to this very day.

Hehe, I had the same with Chinese TV video games. I always got new games for Christmas 🙂

Grisi papagaj yaco, bez sumnje je bio najbolji poklon jer mi je dao puno iluzije i to je iluzija koja je trajala do danas i jos uvijek volim da je imam😍

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How old is he? I know they can talk. Have you managed to teach him something?


the best Christmas present for me to spend all the holiday time with my three little daughters 🎄👧🏻👧🏻👧🏻🎉💝


Ima 21 godinu, pa ako par riječi na bazi ucjene kikirikijem 😆 ali ne sve što sam ga naučio, još je dug put do razgovora sa njim 😁

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Najbolji bozicni poklon je bio kada sam ponovo mogao da budem sa svojom porodicom i oni su me zagrlili, koliko mi je dugo trebalo to je bio poklon mog brata, ti ih grlis posle toliko vremena

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Sretan božić!

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Mali ukrasi u obliku knjige kojima sam ukrasila jelku u svojoj sobi 😁

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Imao sam 9 godina, moj idol je bio Majkl Najt (Vitez jahač) i sve što sam želeo je da imam sat sa kojim mogu da zovem KITT-a kada mi zatreba pomoć. Pa su mi dali sat sa kalkulatorom, koji je u to vrijeme bio najbliži. To je moja prva uspomena na potpunu sreću. Naravno, KITT mi nikada nije pritekao u pomoć.

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