NaslovnaForumTakmičenja[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher!

[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher! (strana 8)

 od Daniel
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My best Christmas present was sheer luck. My husband and I could not decide where to go on vacation, so we each put three choices in a coffee can and then chose one. I won one of my dream trips to Cozumel, where we travelled to the mainland and visited the Mayan ruins of Tulum, Coba, and Chichen Itza, as well as spent numerous hours snorkeling and relaxing for 2 weeks.

Najbolji poklon koji sam dobila je kada sam imala 21 godinu, bio je to ručno pleteni džemper, koji je napravila moja majka koja je nažalost preminula, avgusta te godine, nisam znala za postojanje poklona i mislila sam da te godine bio bi najgori Božić u mom životu. Ali inače, kada sam dobio taj poklon, tuga koju sam imao u sebi se pretvorila u beskrajnu sreću, zato je za mene to najbolji poklon koji sam dobio u životu koji je stvorio mnogo radosti i sreće koje do sada cijenim ovaj poklon

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At age six, I was taken by CPS from my abusive mom to live with my bio-dad and his husband. I had a lot of issues to work through, and at 14 (around the month of June) I attempted suicide, because my mother was threatening to take my dads to court to get custody of me again. I failed (thankfully), she failed (also thankfully).

That Christmas, I got normal presents, but then my dads took me aside and my non-biological father presented me with adoption papers that would make him legally my dad too and not just my step-dad. It was an amazing experience to know that after all I put them through, that both my bio dad and my non-bio dad still wanted me and loved me. We got the adoption finalized, and that remains the best Christmas present I ever got.

Najbolji poklon kraljeva koji sam dobio je sa 12 godina.... Do te godine sam vozio samo polovne, stare i stilizovane bicikle koji mi se nikako nisu dopadali. Ali tog Reyesovog jutra probudio sam se i pronašao brdski bicikl, Togano Nevada, potpuno nov, narandžasti i crni.... nikad nisam zaboravio koliko sam se osjećao sretnim ...... jer ni u jednom trenutku noći nisam čuo niko ne ulazi u sobu i stavlja 2 nova bicikla ispred nasih kreveta, posto sam dijelio sobu sa malim bratom...... Nikada me nije tako iznenadilo nesto kao onog dana Kingsa.

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najbolji poklon je bio sa 7 godina na autoputu 500 milja od Indijanapolisa

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I've been very blessed in wonderful Christmas memories but to me the best was in 1984 I was 3 n my sister was 5. Money was tight so my dad who was a carpenter turned trucker built my sister a babydoll bed and my mom knitted the little blanket n pillow for it, and I saw this robot at the dollar store that rolled around and blew smoke out its mouth,which my parents somehow scraped together the $7 to get it for me. But the best gift that Christmas,and in my memory, was on Christmas Eve it was snowing hard so we didn't think my dad would make it home,but right in the middle of my mothers reading of the first Christmas, in pops my dad through the front door. Snow covered and carrying a Hungry Hungry Hippos Game. It's a tossup between the robot and my dad with the game for my best gift, but that particular memory,especially since my dad n sister have both passed on, is probably the best gift I ever have or will receive.

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Poklon kojeg najviše pamtim su neke knjige Čika Tomova koliba i Majka i kolonija crevanani

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Having my mom alive on Christmas day . R.I.P MOM

Moj najbolji poklon kojeg pamtim je lutka koja se hvatala a ja sam je u isto vrijeme razlagala jer sam je kupala 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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A Christmas with the family, with out anyone argueing, fighting and/or getting drunk as Fck - That i appreciate 🙂🙃 Happy holidays everybody, and happy new yeat, Ramadan or what your prefered holidays is called 🥳🥸 Chris.


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I was a resident (twice) of our premier transitional program for women here in Baltimore, Marian House. I want the world to know that they change women's lives, transforming them, and sometimes their children too, so they become valid and productive members into today's society. If given the opportunity, I would like to gift everyone at the Marian House with $100 for Christmas this year.

Dobio sam najbolji poklon 2012. godine, rodila mi se unuka

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Kada se moja ćerka rodila to je najlepši poklon

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Kad je moj otac došao sa službenog puta

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