Zdravo ljudi, pišem ovo na forumu da vidim da li možete da mi pomognete, na prošlomesečnom turniru sam bio na 6. poziciji i trebalo je da osvojim 25usd, gledao sam i oni bi trebalo da komuniciraju putem e-pošte da vam daju nagradu, ali ipak nisam dobio ništa.
Hello people, I am writing this in the forum to see if you can help me, in last month's tournament I came in 6th position and I am supposed to have won 25usd, I was watching and they are supposed to communicate by email to give you the prize, but still I didn't receive anything.
hola gente, escribo esto en el foro para ver si pueden ayudarme, en el torneo del mes pasado he quedado en 6ta poscicion y se supone que he ganado 25usd, estuve viendo y se supone que se comunican por mail para darte el premio, pero aun no recibi nada.