Pozdrav Branislave i PVD2021 ,
Ponovo sam poslao e-mail historiju igre u Excel formatu. Označio sam dobitke igrača od besplatnih okretaja ljubičastom, a prve opklade preko 10% žutom.
Dozvolite mi da pojasnim zahtjeve za klađenje za besplatne okrete.
S obzirom na to da su besplatni okreti postavljeni iznosi opklada za unaprijed postavljeni iznos rundi, ne možemo im priložiti zahtjeve za klađenje.
Stoga se svi dobici besplatnih okretaja dodaju bonus balansu zajedno sa zahtjevom za klađenje od x45.
U osnovi, svi dobici od besplatnih okretaja su bonus novac i tako se i tretiraju.
Nakon toga, svi dobici od tog iznosa bonusa su dobici u stvarnom novcu.
Prvobitno, igrač je imao uslov za klađenje od 432,9 dolara.
S obzirom da je iznos bonusa bio $9,62, igračeva maksimalna dozvoljena opklada je bila $0,962.
Napravio je opkladu od $1, nakon što je uložio $47,4, i dalje u okviru uslova za klađenje.
Nakon toga, napravio je 31 opkladu od $1,25, nakon što je uložio još $92,9.
Stoga, da, igrač je još uvijek bio u okviru zahtjeva za klađenje kada je prekršio T&C.
Imamo otvoren kanal za sve naše igrače da nas kontaktiraju putem Live Chata ili e-pošte, ali nažalost, igrač nas nikada nije kontaktirao s pitanjima u vezi s bonusom koji je dobio.
Međutim, kad god dajemo bilo koju vrstu bonusa, bilo kojem igraču, igraču dajemo relevantne Uvjete i odredbe - bilo putem Live Chata ili e-pošte - kao što se dogodilo u ovom slučaju.
Osim toga, ovo nije prvi put da igrač dobija i igra besplatne okretaje od kada se registrovao kod nas, pa je nekoliko puta imao pristup informacijama i Uvjetima.
Posvećeni smo poštenoj igri i da svi naši igrači budu zadovoljni i rado ćemo isplatiti sve dobitke osvojene na našoj stranici u okviru naših uslova.
Da je igrač dobio besplatne okrete kao dio ponude/paketa depozita, rado bih ponudio povrat novca za ovu situaciju. Međutim, ovaj igrač nikada nije deponovao kod nas, tako da nema šta da se ponudi.
Rado bih dodatno razjasnio stvari, ako je potrebno.
Galaxyno Casino
Hello Branislav and PVD2021,
I have emailed the game history again in Excel format. I have marked the players free spins winnings in purple and first bets over 10% in yellow.
Please allow me to clarify the wagering requirements for Free Spins.
Seeing as free spins are set bet amounts for a preset amount of rounds, we cannot attach wagering requirements to them.
Therefore, any Free Spins winnings are added to the bonus balance together with a wagering requirement of x45.
Basically, any winnings from free spins are bonus money and are treated as such.
After that, any winnings from that bonus amount are real money winnings.
Originally, the player had a wagering requirement of $432.9.
Seeing as the bonus amount was $9.62, the player's maximum allowed bet was $0.962.
He made a bet of $1, after wagering $47.4, still within the wagering requirements.
Following that, he made 31 bets of $1.25, after wagering another $92.9.
Therefore, yes, the player was still within the wagering requirements when he breached the T&C's.
We have an open channel to all of our players to contact us via Live Chat or Email, but alas, the player never contacted us with questions regarding the bonus he received.
However, whenever we give out any type of bonus, to any player, we provide the player with the relevant T&C's - Be it via Live Chat, or email - as is what happened in this case.
In addition, this is not the first time the player received and played free spins since he registered with us, therefore, he had access to information and the T&C's several times.
We are committed to fair game and keeping all of our players happy and we are happy to pay out any winnings won on our site within our terms.
Had the player received the free spins as part of a deposit offer / package, I would've been happy to offer a refund for this situation. However, this player has never deposited with us, therefore, there is nothing to be offered.
I would be happy to clarify things further, if it is necessary.
Galaxyno Casino
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