Zdravo! Uplatio sam depozite u kazino više puta juče sa svojom kreditnom karticom. Osvojio sam oko 1600 evra. Pokušao sam da podignem 450€ l, nakon što su me u potpunosti verifikovali, transakcija je otkazana. Povezao sam se sa podrškom, rekli su, imaju tehničkih problema sa procesorom kartice, i zamolili su me da pokušam ponovo. Uradio sam to, opet sam odbijen. Stupim u kontakt sa podrškom, rekli su isto: pokušajte ponovo. Uradio sam to, i naravno, ponovo odbio. Podrška mi ne pomaže, stalno govore isto. Pokušajte ponovo. Kada sam ih zamolio da otvore alternativni metod za povlačenje, na primer kripto ili bankovni transfer, oni su to odbili, a momak iz podrške me je pitao zašto želim da isprobam alternativni metod? Ksd se šale sa mnom. Jasno je da nisu voljni da plate za mene. Imam snimke ekrana iz poruka sa operaterima. Kao komedija..
Hi! I made deposits to the casino multiple times yesterday with my credit card. I won like 1600 euros. I tried to withdraw 450€ l, after they fully verified me, the transaction has been cancelled. I connected with the support, they said, they have technical issues with the card processor, and asked me to try again. I did it, i got rejected again. I get in touch with the support, they said the same: please try it again. I did it, and of course, rejected again. The support doesnt help me, they keep saying the same. Please try again. When i asked them to open an alternative method for withdrawal , for example crypto, or bank transfer, they refused it, and the guy from the support asked me why i want to try alternate method? Xd its a joke they playing with me. Clearly they not willing to pay for me. I have screenshots from the messages with the operators. Like a comedy..
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