Igrač iz Norveška je zahtevao isplatu pre nego što je poslao prigovor. Nažalost, nije još dobio svoje dobitke.
Zdravo svima.
Odlučio sam da uplatim 230 kr za Bonanza ekstremni bonus od 333% 14. marta.
Završio sam bonus opkladu 16. marta i zatražio povlačenje 18. marta i još uvek je na čekanju.
Proces automatske verifikacije je obavljen 18. marta pre nego što sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje od 3941 nok.
Automatski proces verifikacije je stekao: punu identifikaciju, poslao sam pasoš (prednji i zadnji)
Bankarski račun za komunalne usluge kao dokaz adrese.
I na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, selfi na kojem držim svoju propusnicu.
U sredu 19. primio sam e-mail od Gamblezena i tražili su više informacija:
1: Broj bankovnog računa / IBAN (međunarodni broj bankovnog računa
2: ID banke / BIC (identifikacioni kod banke)
3: Detaljna adresa korisnika (poštanski broj, ulica, grad, država) nisam mogao da zamislim da moram još jednom da dokumentujem svoju adresu pošto je sve bilo spremno dokumentovano kroz proces automatske verifikacije na sajtu.
4: Slika u boji kreditne/debitne kartice koju ste koristili da dopunite svoj račun (prednja i zadnja strana). Iz bezbednosnih razloga moraju biti vidljive samo prvih 6 i poslednje 4 cifre kartice i datum isteka. Cifre na poleđini i CVV / CVC moraju biti pokriveni.
Tako da sam poslao snimke ekrana svih dokumenata koji su im bili potrebni i poslao ih samo nekoliko minuta kasnije, poslato je 5 snimaka ekrana koji jasno dokumentuju vlasnika banke, kreditne kartice napred i nazad sve.
Nisu mi odgovorili ni nakon što sam im poslao sva moguća dokumenta.
Gamblezen miriše na ribu sve do Nora! Oni drže moj dobitak, ne znam zašto, pošto sam uradio sve što sam mogao i dokumentovao sve što su tražili, osim ovih Paigoo kartica koje su korišćene pre godinu dana. To uništava celo iskustvo igranja na Gamblezenu, ovo odlaganje povlačenja, sa njihove strane je zaista glupo! Nisu igrači krivi!!!
Ne bih preporučio ovaj kazino nikome, molim vas, klonite se, povlačenje je potpuna noćna mora i oni ne isplaćuju nijedan dobitak 🤬
Ažuriranje: Čovek 24/ Mars
Upravo sam dobio e-poštu od Gamblezen-a i oni traže još više dokumenata kao što su sve kreditne kartice koje sam koristio za uplatu na sajtu: objasnio sam im da su ove dve kartice: 543977******3852 i 543977******8932 obe prepaid Mastercard kartice koje dolaze sa njima i da su prazne pre 500 meseci i da su prazne!
*** Dobici se generišu iz mog poslednjeg depozita sa mojom bankovnom karticom, tako da ću vam ostaviti da odlučite šta je dobro, a šta nije. Oni mi ne odgovaraju na mejlove pošto sam im rekao za ove Paigoo poklon kartice. I naravno ne žele da isplate dobitak ***
Podneo sam žalbu i na Askgamblers, ovo ide na mesec!🙂 Finansijsko osoblje u Gamblezenu su čisti kriminalci!
Hello everybody.
I decided to deposit 230 kr for the Bonanza extreme bonus of 333% on the 14th of mars.
I finished the bonus wager on the 16th of mars and requested a withdrawal on the 18th of mars and it is still pending.
The automatic verification process was done 18th of mars before i made the withdrawal request of 3941 nok.
The automatic verification process acquired: full id, i sent my passport (front and back)
Bank utility bill for proof of address.
And last but not least a selfie of me holding my pass.
On Wednesday the 19th, i received an e-mail from Gamblezen and they requested more information:
1: Bank account number / IBAN (international bank account number
2: Bank ID / BIC (bank identification code)
3: Detailed address of beneficiary (postal code, street, city, country) i could not imagine i had to document my address one more time as it was all ready documented through the automatic verification process on the site.
4: A color photo of the Credit / Debit Card which you have used to recharge your account (front and back sides). For security reasons, only the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card and the expiration date must be visible. The digits on the reverse side and the CVV / CVC must be covered.
So i sent screenshot's of all the documents they needed and sent them just a few minutes later it was sent, 5 screenshot's which clearly documents owner of bank, credit card forth and back side everything.
They have not even responded back to me after i sent them all documents possible.
Gamblezen smells Fishy all the way up to Nor! They are holding my winnings i don't know why since i have done everything i can and documented everything they requested, except for these Paygoo cards which was used a year ago It ruins the whole experience playing on Gamblezen this delaying of withdrawals it's just really stupid from their side! It's not the players fault!!!
I would not recommend this casino to anyone please stay away, withdrawal is a complete nightmare and they're not paying out any winnings 🤬
Update: Man 24/ Mars
I just received an Email from Gamblezen right now and they are asking for even more documents like all the credit cards i have used to make a deposit on the site: i have explained to them that these two cards: 543977******3852 and 543977******8932 are both prepaid Mastercard's that comes with a 500 nok on them and they are empty and tossed months if not years ago!
*** The winnings is generated from my last deposit with my own bank card so i will leave it up to you to decide what is right here and what is wrong they're not answering me back on emails since i told them about these Paygoo gift cards. And off course they don't wan't to pay the winnings ***
I have submitted a complain on Askgamblers aswell, this is going to the moon!🙂 The financial staff at Gamblezen are pure criminals!
Dear olegutten85,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
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