The player from Singapore had their account deactivated after they won 10000 SGD in bonus credits, allegedly due to 'safe betting', although these restrictions were not explicitly stated in the bonus terms. We sought additional details from the player to better understand the situation and potentially resolve the issue. However, despite extending the response deadline by 7 days, the player did not respond. Consequently, we were unable to investigate further and had to reject the complaint.
Igraču iz Singapura je deaktiviran nalog nakon što je osvojio 10000 SGD u bonus kreditima, navodno zbog „sigurnog klađenja“, iako ova ograničenja nisu eksplicitno navedena u uslovima bonusa. Tražili smo dodatne detalje od igrača da bismo bolje razumeli situaciju i potencijalno rešili problem. Međutim, uprkos produženju roka za odgovor za 7 dana, igrač nije odgovorio. Shodno tome, nismo bili u mogućnosti da dalje istražujemo i morali smo da odbacimo žalbu.
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