Zdravo, moja uplata od 100 eur je u toku od 10.02.2024, kontaktirao sam korisničku podršku, uvek mi odgovaraju da čekaju, tražim da otkažem uplatu i izvršim ponovo, što će svakako ubrzati situaciju, uvek odgovori da nije moguće, . Zar zaista moraš toliko da čekaš da isplatiš 100eur ovih dana??
Kažu da ću ih sutra kontaktirati ako ne dobijem uplatu, na moje pitanje kako će se to rešiti odgovaraju da ću to predati u finansije da pogleda šta je sa uplatom i onda Opet ću morati da čekam 7 dana, ovo je ludilo, zašto ne pitaš odmah u odeljenju finansija da pogledaju?
Mušterija sam godinama i NIKAD nisam imao ovaj problem
Hello, my payment of 100 eur has been in progress since 10.02.2024, I contacted the customer support service, they always answer to wait, I ask to cancel my payment and make it again, which will definitely speed up the situation, they always answer that it is not possible, . Do you really have to wait so long to pay out 100eur these days??
They say that I will contact them tomorrow if I don't receive the payment, to my question how it will be resolved, they answer that I will hand it over to the finance department to look at what is the matter with the payment and then I will have to wait 7 days again, this is madness, why can't you ask right away to the finance department to look at?
I have been a customer for years and have NEVER had this problem
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