Hvala vam na mišljenju, Arm009, uprkos tome što je netačno.
Što se tiče vaših pitanja, ovo nije ćaskanje uživo i moglo bi potrajati dok kazino ne reaguje na stvar. Obično je nekoliko dana. Moj prethodni post je automatski dodat i tajmer je produžen od strane sistema. Sada ću takođe kontaktirati kazino na druge moguće načine.
Da, ako ne odgovore dok trenutni tajmer ne istekne, žalba će biti zatvorena kao nerešena, a na rejting kazina će se uticati u skladu s tim. Zatim, poslednja opcija je da kontaktirate autoritet za igre na sreću koji kazino reguliše.
Međutim, ovaj konkretan kazino do sada nema nerešenih žalbi na casino.guru i oni su bili u mogućnosti da nam pomognu da sve podnete žalbe rešimo do jasnog ishoda u svakom slučaju (rešeno/odbijeno).
Dakle, sada ću ih kontaktirati spolja, van teme, i kada budem imao bilo kakve vesti ili ažuriranja, obavestiću vas što je pre moguće, ili će predstavnik kazina odgovoriti direktno ovde.
Dakle, ostanimo strpljivi i pozitivni i damo kazinu standardnih još 7 dana da odgovori.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Radujemo se što ćemo čuti od kazina.
Thank you for your opinion, Arm009, despite it being incorrect.
As for your questions, this is not a live chat, and it could take some time until the casino reacts to the matter. It is usually several days. My previous post was automatically added and the timer was extended by the system. Now I will also contact the casino in other possible ways.
Yes, if they do not respond until the current timer expires, the complaint will be closed as unresolved, and the casino's rating will be influenced accordingly. Then, the last option is to contact the gaming authority the casino is regulated by.
However, this particular casino does not have any unresolved complaints on casino.guru so far, and they were able to help us resolve all the submitted complaints to a clear outcome in each case (resolved/rejected).
So, now I will contact them externally, outside of the thread, and once I have any news or updates, I will inform you as soon as possible, or the casino representative will reply directly here.
So, let's stay patient and positive and provide the casino with the standard 7 more days to respond.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We are looking forward to hearing from the casino.
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