Uplatio sam kazino kao i obično 21.3.2023. u 5:54 ujutru zahtev za povlačenje, korisnik će biti blokiran skoro odmah. Posle nekoliko sati dobijam e-poštu od podrške (dodate kao prilog) u kojoj me optužuju za kršenje uslova korišćenja. Očigledno, glavni razlog je to što bih imao dva korisnika na sajtu. Međutim, nakon ove e-poruke, pokušali su da izbegnu moje zahteve za kontakt i nisam dobio nikakav odgovor na ovo pitanje.
(Takođe sam pokušao da pitam da li mogu da vratim prvi depozit na sajtu koji mi je naplaćen, ali nikada nisam došao na sajt. Odgovor koji sam dobio od podrške je bio: budi strpljiv)
Ne razumem zašto me optužuju za dvostruke korisnike i kršenje korisničkih uslova. Uveravam vas da nisam imao drugog korisnika. Imao sam samo jednog korisnika.
Ne znam kako da pratim ovako nešto ako ima mnogo korisnika i loš sam sa kompjuterima. pa samo pretpostavljam da to utiče na vreme kada sam živeo u stanu i učio sa još 6 ljudi i delio računare, a ponekad čak i telefone. Ako je to uopšte važno na bilo koji način. S druge strane, svi smo zaista igrali mnogo drugih kazina u istoj situaciji i nikada nisam bio optužen za te stvari i novac je stigao bez problema. Ovo je bilo prvo.
Voleo bih da je došlo do nesporazuma između vas, mene ili nas oboje i da bismo se dogovorili po tom pitanju. Trenutno osećam da je moj novac uzet bez ikakvog razloga i nakon toga su dosledno pokušavali da izbegnu moje zahteve za kontakt.
Prilažem snimak ekrana potvrde zahteva koji prikazuje ID transfera, vreme i iznos.
I made a payment to the casino as usual on 21.3.2023. at 5:54 a.m. withdrawal request, the user will be blocked almost immediately. After a few hours, I get an email from support (added as an attachment) accusing me of violating the terms of use. Apparently, the main reason is that I would have two users on the site. However, after this e-mail message, they have tried to avoid my contact requests and I haven't really received any kind of answer to this matter.
(I also tried to ask if I could get back the first deposit on the site that was charged to me but never came to the site. The answer I got from support was: be patient)
I do not understand why I am being accused of double users and violating the user terms. I can assure you that I have not had another user. I only had one user.
I don't know how to track something like this if there are many users and I'm bad with computers. so I'm just guessing that it affects when I lived in an apartment studying with 6 other people and shared computers and sometimes even phones. If it even matters in any way. On the other hand, we all really played many other casinos in the same situation and I have never been accused of these things and the money arrived without any problems. This was first.
I wish that there had been a misunderstanding between you, me or both of us and we would have come to an agreement on the matter. At the moment I feel that my money was taken without any reason and after that they consistently tried to avoid my contact requests.
I am attaching a screenshot of the confirmation of the request showing the transfer id, time and amount.
Automatski prevedeno:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)