Zdravo. Prvi put sam se registrovao u kazinu 13. jula, pre toga nisam igrao u ovom kazinu i nisam se registrovao. Primjenjuje se nakon registracije promotivni kod LOOTBOKS. Dali su 10 okretaja, od njih sam osvojio mali iznos od oko 100 rubalja. Onda sam otišao da igram Fat Panda slot, dobio sam bonus igru i osvojio sam oko 1700 rubalja. Posle toga sam otišao do bambusovog slota i osvojio 18.000 rubalja, nakon čega sam vratio bonus ulog.
Odbili su mi novac i ostavili maksimalan dobitak od bonusa. Nakon toga sam nastavio da igram slotove i sve vreme sam uspeo da osvojim oko 23.000 rubalja. Napravio sam minimalni depozit i pokušao da podignem sredstva. Moje povlačenje je odbijeno i zatraženo da prođem verifikaciju, uspešno sam prošao. Pokušao sam da se povučem drugi put i takođe sam odbijen iz razloga "Otkazana iz razloga. Sesija je istekla. Zahtev za povlačenje nije ispunio korisnik. Evo razloga"
Nekoliko puta sam pokušavao da se povučem i sve vreme su me odbijali. Kasnije mi je rečeno da ima tehničkih poteškoća sa platnim sistemom. Kao rezultat toga, moj nalog je blokiran pod izgovorom da sam zloupotrebio bonuse i da imam dupli nalog. Iako je sve ovo laž, pomozite da se problem reši
Hello. I registered at the casino on July 13 for the first time, before that I did not play in this casino and did not register. Applied after registration the promotional code LOOTBOX. They gave 10 spins, from them I won a small amount of about 100 rubles. Then I went to play Fat Panda slot, I got a bonus game and I won about 1700 rubles. After that, I went to the bamboo slot and won 18,000 rubles, after that I won back the bonus wager.
They deducted money from me and left the maximum winnings from the bonus. After that, I continued to play slots and I managed to win about 23,000 rubles all the time. I made the minimum deposit and tried to withdraw funds. My withdrawal was rejected and asked to go through verification, I successfully passed it. I tried to withdraw a second time and was also refused due to the reason "Cancelled for a reason. The session has expired. The withdrawal request was not completed by the user. Here is the reason"
I tried to withdraw several times and was refused all the time. Later I was told that there were technical difficulties with the payment system. As a result, my account was blocked under the pretext that I abused bonuses and I have a double account. Although this is all a lie, please help to solve the problem
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