Otvorio sam svoj račun kod Golden Reelsa 11. septembra 2021. Provjeren je dva puta.
10. avgusta 2022. otvorio sam račun u Casino-X. To su dvije odvojene kompanije sa različitim vlasnicima i djeluju pod različitim licencama.
Nekoliko dana kasnije saznao sam da su čak i Golden Reels i Casino-X odvojene kompanije, dio njihovih aktivnosti radi isti tim i dijele bazu podataka klijenata. Obje kompanije su me ograničile na 0,20-0,30 € i dobio sam iste zahtjeve za dokumente od obje kompanije.
Golden Reels je pokrenuo proceduru verifikacije "Izvora sredstava". Osim već potrebnih i neophodnih za proceduru e-novčanika i bankovnog izvoda, tražili su sljedeće dodatne informacije:
- PDF vaših Neteller bodova lojalnosti za sva vremena
Ovo nije opcija na Neteller računu. Napisao sam e-mail adresiran na Neteller i oni su mi odgovorili da Neteller ne pruža tehničku mogućnost primanja istorije bodova lojalnosti u PDF formatu.
- Pojašnjenje vezano za odnose i menjačke transakcije koje sam imao sa trećim licima
Na mom Neteller računu postoje iznosi koje sam primio od drugih Neteller klijenata koji su pojedinci. Navedene strane nisu klijenti Golden Reels-a, što isključuje hipotezu i obesmišljava njihove sumnje u multi accounting. Paysafe stalno provjerava AML račune svih Netellerovih klijenata. Dakle, neprihvatljiva je i potreba obrade ovakvih čekova od strane Golden rola.
Međutim, dao sam vrlo detaljno objašnjenje o prirodi ovih transakcija - priložio sam Skype dijaloge u kojima su te transakcije pregovarane. Takođe sam priložio protivplaćanja koje sam izvršio putem bankovnog transfera sa kojima sam platio iznose koji su mi prebačeni preko Netellera.
- Bankovni izvodi povezani sa trećim stranama (njihov izvor sredstava)
Od mene je zatraženo da dostavim bankovne izvode pojedinaca (kao što je već spomenuto). Nisam imao izbora nego da pišem Netelleru. Logično, Neteller je odbio da pruži takve informacije kako bi bio u skladu sa Općom uredbom o zaštiti podataka (GDPR).
- Izvor sredstava za račun mjenjača kriptovaluta Kraken od 15.08.21 (za posljednjih 12 mjeseci)
Nisam koristio kriptovalute za plaćanja sa Golden Reels. Nisam ni spomenuo da imam nalog kod Krakena. Iako sam njihov zahtjev smatrao neosnovanim, a informacije u njemu – neprimjenjivim, obratio sam se Krakenu i zamolio ih da mi pošalju PDF datoteku sa mojim transakcijama s njima. Naravno, spomenuo sam u svom emailu da su mi ove informacije potrebne za proceduru verifikacije sa Golden Reels-om. Sam moj zahtjev je doveo do uključivanja Krakenovog sigurnosnog sistema. Pažljivo su provjeravali moj račun za prekide. Dobio sam i nekoliko savjeta kako da poboljšam svoju sigurnost. Čak su mi rekli da ne nasjedam na bilo kakve pokušaje pecanja i SPAM-a.
- Poreska prijava koja pokriva period od posljednjih 6 mjeseci
Okrenuo sam se svom računovođi. Objasnili su mi da su po našem lokalnom zakonodavstvu samo izjave političara javne i one se popunjavaju u posebnoj evidenciji. Ja nisam političar. Tuđe izjave dostupne su samo tijelima i institucijama određenim zakonom, a Golden Reels nije jedan od njih. Odnosno davanje takve izjave bi predstavljalo kršenje važećeg zakonodavstva.
Da rezimiramo, od mene je tražena informacija koja:
- Nije moguće preuzeti iz tehničkih razloga;
- Njegovo preuzimanje bi bilo u suprotnosti sa smjernicama GDPR-a;
- Njegovo preuzimanje bi bilo u suprotnosti sa politikom privatnosti i sigurnosnim standardima kripto berze;
- Njegovo preuzimanje je u suprotnosti sa aktivnim zakonodavstvom.
Na kraju sam dobio pismo od Golden Reels-a u kojem mi je rečeno da učitam svoj e-novčanik i istoriju bankovnih izvoda na svoj račun – tj. stvari koje su u stvari neophodne i relevantne za verifikaciju „izvora sredstava". Završio sam taj zahtjev i vidio sam oznaku da je postupak verifikacije obavljen.
Dakle, zatražio sam povlačenje dijela mog bilansa. Razmijenio sam nekoliko e-poruka s njihovim timom za podršku o tome da nemam dovoljno povrata zadnjeg depozita i kako bi to dovelo do plaćanja naknada za povlačenje. Kao rezultat, izvršavam potrebno preokret za oko 24 sata na različitim casino igrama. Zatražio sam povlačenje 2.000 €.
24 sata kasnije primio sam e-mail od Golden Reelsa u kojem me obavještavaju da sam prekršio njihova pravila. Odlučili su da mi vrate 1.000 € i zaplijene ostatak: 3.900,22 €.
Poslao sam zvaničnu žalbu u kojoj sam se kategorički usprotivio.
Sedmicu nakon toga, odgovorili su da ostaju pri svojoj odluci.
Isplatili su mi 1.000 €, a preostalih 3.900,22 € su zaplijenili. To stavlja kraj na moj dijalog sa Golden Reels-om. Povrijeđen i uvrijeđen njihovim ukupnim stavom i nepoštenom odlukom, ovdje sam iznio činjenice. Oslanjam se na autoritativnu intervenciju Casino Guru tima da vrati pravdu.
I opened my account with Golden Reels on September 11th, 2021. It has been verified twice.
On August 10th, 2022 I opened an account with Casino-X. These are two separate companies with different owners and acting under different licenses.
A few days later, I found out that even Golden Reels and Casino-X are separate companies, a part of their activities are being done by the same team and they share a clients’ database. I was limited by both companies to €0.20-0.30 and I received same document requests by both.
Golden Reels started "Source of funds" verification procedure. Except for the already required and necessary for the procedure e-wallet and bank statement, they asked for the following additional information:
- PDF of your Neteller loyalty points for all times
This is not an option in a Neteller account. I wrote an email addressed to Neteller and they replied that Neteller does not provide the technical ability of receiving loyalty points’ history in PDF format.
- Clarification regarding relations and exchange transactions I have had with third parties
In my Neteller account there are amounts I had received from other Neteller clients that are individuals. The aforementioned parties are not clients of Golden Reels that excludes the hypothesis and makes pointless their suspicions about multi accounting. All Neteller’s clients’ accounts are being permanently AML checked by Paysafe. So, the need of processing such checks by Golden reels is also unacceptable.
However, I have given a very detailed explanation about the nature of these transactions - I have attached Skype dialogues in which these transactions had been negotiated. I have also attached the counter-payments made by me via bank transfer with which I have paid for the amounts transferred to me via Neteller.
- Bank Statements linked to the third parties (Their source of funds)
I have been asked to provide bank statements of individuals (as mentioned before). I had no choice but to write to Neteller. Logically, Neteller declined providing such information in order to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Source of fund for cryptocurrency exchanger Kraken account since 15.08.21 (for the last 12 months)
I have not used crypto currencies for payments with Golden Reels. I have not even mentioned having an account with Kraken. Although, I found their request groundless and the information in it – inapplicable, I turned to Kraken and asked them to send me a PDF file with my transactions with them. Of course, I mentioned in my email that I need this information for a verification procedure with Golden Reels. My request itself led to Kraken’s security system turn on. They carefully checked my account for breaks. I also received some advices on how to improve my security. They even told me not to fall for any attempts to fishing and SPAM.
- A tax declaration, covering the period of the last 6 months
I turned to my accountant. They explained to me that according to our local legislation only politicians’ declarations are public and they are filled in a specific record. I am not a politician. Other people’s declarations are only available to bodies and institutions specified by the law and Golden Reels is not one of them. I.e. providing such declaration would breach the active legislation.
To summarize, I was asked for an information that:
- Is impossible to retrieve for technical reasons;
- Its retrieval would be in contradiction with the guidelines of GDPR;
- Its retrieval would be in contradiction with the privacy policy and security standards of a crypto exchange;
- Its retrieval is in contradictions with active legislation.
In the end, I received a letter from Golden Reels telling me to upload my e-wallet and bank statement history to my account – i.e. the things that are in fact necessary and relevant to the "source of funds" verification. I completed that request and I saw a mark that the verification procedure was done.
So, I requested a withdrawal for a part of my balance. I exchanged a few emails with their support team about me not having enough rollover of my last deposit and how this would lead to paying withdrawal fees. In a result, I complete the required rollover in around 24 hours on different casino games. I requested a withdrawal of €2,000.
24 hours later I received an email from Golden Reels informing me I had breached their rules. They decided to return me €1,000 and confiscate the rest of my balance: €3,900.22.
I have sent an official complaint in which I categorically objected.
A week after this, they replied that they stand by their decision.
They paid me €1,000 and the remaining €3,900.22 they confiscated. That puts and an end to my dialogue with Golden Reels. Harmed and insulted by their overall attitude and dishonest decision, I have laid out the facts here. I rely on the authoritative intervention of the Casino Guru team to restore justice.
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