Poštovani Domineli888,
Dobio sam odgovor od predstavnika kazina; evo šta su izjavili:
Hvala vam na prilici da pružite odgovarajući odgovor na ovo pitanje.
Shvatamo da su blagovremeni pristup vašim dobicima i poštovanje vaših zahteva fundamentalni aspekti vašeg iskustva, i posvećeni smo upravljanju takvim stvarima sa najvišim nivoom pažnje i profesionalizma.
Želeli bismo da sve radnje sabijemo u vremenski okvir kako bismo lakše pratili sve navedene detalje.
Prvo, KIC proces osigurava sigurnost vaših dobitaka i nesmetano povlačenje tako što proverava vaš identitet i detalje računa. Ovo štiti vaša sredstva, ispunjava regulatorne zahteve i održava bezbednu platformu. U ovom slučaju, proces verifikacije je počeo 4. decembra, kada je kupac obavešten da je potrebno još samo nekoliko dokumenata kako bi se verifikovao i način plaćanja. Važno je razjasniti da su za verifikaciju ovog načina plaćanja potrebna dva specifična dokumenta, od kojih se jedan može dostaviti na dva različita načina.
Kasnije istog dana, račun klijenta je u potpunosti verifikovan, što mu je omogućilo da podnese zahteve za povlačenje u okviru utvrđenog dnevnog limita od 700 evra.
Drugo, nakon što je nalog u potpunosti verifikovan, kupac je stupio u kontakt sa našim timom putem ćaskanja na agresivan način i izrazio nezadovoljstvo procesom. Tokom ove interakcije, oni su izjavili da više ne žele da primaju svoje dobitke, a svi zahtevi za povlačenje su navedeni kao otkazani od strane korisnika sa naše strane. U istom četu su postavili zahtev za zatvaranje naloga. Kupac je takođe izrazio nameru da svoje iskustvo podeli javno na forumima, što je pravo koje poštujemo kao deo otvorenih povratnih informacija.
Nakon toga, naš tim je pregledao zahtev za zatvaranje i zahtev klijenta je ispunjen nakon što smo tražili povratne informacije i pokušali da bolje razumemo osnovne probleme.
Trenutno ne postoji drugi zahtev za povlačenje na čekanju i račun je trajno zatvoren u skladu sa željama korisnika.
Potvrđujemo da ova rezolucija možda neće biti u skladu sa očekivanjima korisnika. Međutim, želimo da istaknemo našu posvećenost pružanju pomoći i održavanju transparentnosti tokom celog procesa. Saradnja i komunikacija sa poštovanjem su od ključne važnosti za efikasno rešavanje svih problema, a mi ostajemo posvećeni pružanju podrške našim klijentima na konstruktivan način.
Hvala vam na razumevanju i saradnji. Nadamo se da će ova poruka razjasniti situaciju i tu smo za sva pitanja.
Srdačan pozdrav,
GoldSpin tim
Dear Domineli888,
I have received a response from the casino representative; here is what they have stated:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide a proper response to this matter.
We recognize that timely access to your winnings & the respect of your requests are fundamental aspects of your experience, and we are dedicated to managing such matters with the highest level of care and professionalism.
We would like to compress all the actions into a timeframe, in order to make it more easier to follow all the details that were provided.
Firstly, the KYC process ensures your winnings' security and smooth withdrawals by verifying your identity and account details. This safeguards your funds, meets regulatory requirements, and maintains a safe platform. In this instance, the verification process commenced on December 4th, when the customer was informed that only a few more documents were required in order to verify the payment method, as well. It is important to clarify that verifying this payment method requires two specific documents, one of which can be provided in two different ways.
Later that same day, the customer’s account was fully verified, enabling them to submit withdrawal requests within the established daily limit of €700.
Secondly, after the account was fully verified, the customer engaged with our team via chat in a manner that was aggressive and expressed dissatisfaction with the process. During this interaction, they stated that they no longer wished to receive their winnings, and all of the withdrawal requests were stated as canceled by the customer on our end. In the same chat, they raised a request to close the account. The customer also indicated their intention to share their experience publicly on forums, a right we respect as part of open feedback.
Subsequently, the closure request was reviewed by our team and the customer’s request was fulfilled after we asked for feedback and tried to understand better the underlying concerns.
At the time being, there is no other pending withdrawal request and the account is permanently closed in accordance with the customer's wishes.
We acknowledge that this resolution may not align with the customer’s expectations. However, we wish to emphasize our commitment to providing assistance and maintaining transparency throughout the process. Cooperation and respectful communication are pivotal in resolving any concerns effectively, and we remain committed to supporting our customers in a constructive manner.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We hope this message clarifies the situation and we are here for any questions.
Best regards,
GoldSpin Team
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