Kontaktiram vas u vezi sa nerešenim problemom sa mojim nalogom. Registrovao sam se na platformi (Goldspin) 15.10.2024. i odlučio da dobijem kazino bonus dobrodošlice. Nakon što sam napravio svoj prvi depozit, počeo sam da igram Crazi Time i uspešno ispunio uslove za bonus klađenje na 100%, postigavši balans od (6,000€).
Nakon što sam završio bonus i uverio se u korisničku podršku da svi dobici pripadaju meni, obavešten sam da mogu da povučem svoj potencijalni dobitak nakon što se ispuni pun procenat bonusa. Ovo je zaista bio slučaj, a moj bilans je bio (6.000€) u stvarnim sredstvima dobijenim kroz bonus dobrodošlice, potpuno popunjen.
Međutim, kada sam verifikovao svoj nalog i zatražio povlačenje sredstava na moju kreditnu karticu, iznos od 6.000 evra je skinut sa mog računa zbog navodnog nepoštovanja uslova bonusa.
„Ovo je prvi i poslednji mejl koji sam dobio od kazina do danas.
(Ceo mejl možete pronaći u arhivi, slika.)
GOLDSPIN MAIL 18.10.2024
*Kao što je navedeno u našim uslovima i odredbama (odeljak 23.6), imate pravo da otkažete sve bonuse pre nego što nastavite sa njihovim klađenjem, bez gubitka sopstvenih sredstava. Međutim, ako odlučite da otkažete bonus nakon što ste igrali sa bonus sredstvima, ali pre nego što ispunite uslove klađenja, svi dobici akumulirani tokom perioda bonusa će biti oduzeti, kao što je navedeno u istom odeljku.*
*Pored toga, odeljak 23.17 naših uslova i odredbi objašnjava da ako odlučite da zatražite povlačenje svog depozita pre nego što ispunite uslove za bonus opkladu, iznos bonusa i povezani dobici će biti poništeni. Preostala sredstva, ako ih ima, biće vam isplaćena. U vašem slučaju, 5960€ je poništeno, a poslednja dva depozita su vraćena.*
Želim da pojasnim da nijedan bonus nije otkazan i da nisam zahtevao nikakvo povlačenje pre nego što sam završio bonus.
Pokušao sam da kontaktiram korisničku podršku, ali ubrzo nakon toga, moj nalog je blokiran bez valjanog razloga ili čak i e-pošte upozorenja, uprkos tome što sam tražio više informacija o tome. Poslao sam najmanje 20 mejlova korisničkoj podršci tražeći dalja objašnjenja, ali kazino nikada nije dao konkretan odgovor, a do danas, u četvrtak, 7. novembra, nisam dobio nikakav odgovor od kazina.
Moram da naglasim da sam poštovao sve uslove i odredbe sajta (Goldspin). Da je do neusklađenosti zaista došlo, sredstva ne bi trebalo da budu prebačena u stvarni bilans niti da budu dostupna za povlačenje.
Nažalost, kazino mi je postao nedostupan putem e-pošte i ćaskanja.
Hvala vam puno na pažnji i strpljenju. Radujem se vašem brzom odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Snimak ekrana dokaza: [uklonio admin casino.guru]
Javite mi ako još nešto mogu da pomognem!
I am contacting you regarding an unresolved issue with my account. I registered on the platform (Goldspin) on 10/15/2024 and chose to receive the casino welcome bonus. After making my first deposit, I started playing Crazy Time and successfully completed the bonus wagering requirements at 100%, achieving a balance of (6,000€).
After completing the bonus and ensuring with customer support that any winnings belonged to me, I was informed that I could withdraw my potential winnings after the full percentage of the bonus was met. This was indeed the case, and my balance was (6,000€) in real funds obtained through the welcome bonus, fully completed.
However, when I verified my account and requested the withdrawal of funds to my credit card, the amount of €6,000 was deducted from my account on the grounds of an alleged non-compliance with the bonus terms.
"This is the first and last email I received from the casino to date."
(You can find the full email in the archive, image.)
GOLDSPIN MAIL 10/18/2024
*As stated in our terms and conditions (section 23.6), you have the right to cancel any bonuses before proceeding to their wagering, without losing your own funds. However, if you choose to cancel a bonus after playing with bonus funds but before fulfilling the wagering requirements, any winnings accumulated during the bonus period will be deducted, as outlined in the same section.*
*Additionally, section 23.17 of our terms and conditions explains that if you choose to request a withdrawal of your deposit before meeting the bonus wagering requirements, the bonus amount and associated winnings will be voided. The remaining funds, if any, will be paid out to you. In your case, 5960€ were voided, and the last two deposits were returned.*
I want to clarify that no bonus was canceled, and I did not request any withdrawal before completing the bonus.
I tried to contact customer support, but soon after, my account was blocked without a valid reason or even a warning email, despite my having requested more information on the matter. I have sent at least 20 emails to customer support asking for further explanations, but the casino has never provided a concrete response, and as of today, Thursday, November 7th, I have not received any response from the casino.
I must emphasize that I have complied with all the terms and conditions of the site (Goldspin). If non-compliance had indeed occurred, the funds should not have been transferred to the real balance nor made available for withdrawal.
Unfortunately, the casino has become unreachable for me via email and chat.
Thank you very much for your attention and patience. I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
Evidence screenshot : [removed by casino.guru admin]
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help with!
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