Dragi thebonjetti, razumem da možda niste zadovoljni celom KIC procedurom, međutim, kazino od vas nije tražio neke nove dokumente, već je tražio da dostavite fotografiju vašeg pasoša u boljem kvalitetu. Čini se da ste već dali ovaj kazino, ali kvalitet je bio nedovoljan. Svakako razumem, možda je neugodno postavljati iste dokumente mnogo puta, ali imajte na umu da je KIC deo ključna stvar i da kvalitet vaših dokumenata treba da ispuni zahteve.
Možete li pokušati da napravite novu fotografiju i ponovo je postavite? Kao što je prethodno rečeno, možete nam ga poslati i da bismo mogli da potvrdimo da li je kvalitet dovoljan.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear thebonjetty, I understand you may be not satisfied with the whole KYC procedure, however, the casino didn't ask you for some new documents, it asked you to provide a photo of your passport in better quality. It seems that you already provided the casino with this one, but the quality was insufficient. I certainly get it, it may be annoying to upload the same documents many times, but please understand that the KYC part is a crucial thing and the quality of your documents should meet the requirements.
Could you please try to make a new photo and upload it again? As previously stated, you can also send it to us so we can confirm if the quality seems to be sufficient enough.
Best regards,
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