Dragi Mihal,
VIP program je odvojen, ali želimo da potvrdimo da je igrač otkrio svoje probleme, kada je igraču bio dodeljen VIP status i kada joj se menadžer naloga obratio, i da je stvar eskalirala u skladu sa tim.
Takođe bismo ponovo želeli da napomenemo da igrač nije kontaktirao našu namensku adresu e-pošte, već je kontaktirao naš tim za podršku.
Specijalizovana adresa e-pošte kreirana je sa ciljem da obezbedi nesmetanu komunikaciju i pravilno rešavanje takvih stvari od strane specijalizovanog tima.
Da bismo sumirali situaciju, nismo kontaktirani na odgovarajuću e-mail adresu. Naš tim ju je uputio da uredno podnese zahtev, što ona nije učinila, što je dovelo do daljeg odlaganja. Kasnije je račun zatvoren i vratili smo sva nerešena sredstva na njemu.
Verujemo da ovo pojašnjava problem, ali ako imate dodatnih pitanja, ostajemo dostupni.
Srdačan pozdrav,
GrandVin kazino
Dear Michal,
The VIP program is separate but we want to confirm that, when the player was granted VIP status and the Account Manager reached out to her, the player disclosed her issues, and the matter was escalated accordingly.
We would also like to mention again that the player did not contact our dedicated email address, but instead reached out to our support team.
The specialized email address was created with the purpose to ensure smooth communication and proper handling of such matters by a specialized team.
In order to summarize the situation, we were not contacted on the proper e-mail address. Our team directed her to properly submit the request, which she did not do, causing further delays. Later on the account was closed and we returned all pending funds in it.
We believe this clarifies the issue, but if you have any further questions, we remain available.
Best regards,
GrandWin Casino
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