Zdravo Alpinse2001,
Nažalost, ne piše da će svi vaši nalozi u drugim kazinima istog vlasnika biti automatski blokirani ili samoisključeni. Imajte na umu da ako se sami isključite iz jednog kazina to ne znači da ste zaštićeni na svim drugim povezanim veb lokacijama.
Osim ako niste zatražili samoisključivanje direktno u Heats Casino-u, kazino nije u obavezi da ništa refundira.
Da li postoje dokazi da ste tražili isključenje u ovom kazinu?
Ako ne, bićemo primorani da zatvorimo žalbu.
Hello Alprince2001,
Unfortunately, there isn’t written that all your accounts in other casinos of the same owner will be blocked or self-excluded automatically. Please understand that if you self-exclude yourself from one casino it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are protected on all the other associated websites.
Unless you requested a self-exclusion directly in Heats Casino, the casino is not obligate to refund anything.
Is there any evidence that you did request for exclusion in this casino?
If not, we will be forced to close the complaint.
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