Žao mi je, nažalost, otkazao sam uplatu i izgubio stanje. Šta je razlog za ovo? Ja sam strpljiv igrač i mogu dugo da čekam na isplatu, ali u ovom slučaju sam shvatio da neću biti plaćen. Ako kazinoguru želi da reklamira poštena kazina, kontaktirajte me putem e-pošte, ok? Imam preko 30 snimaka ekrana, ovo što je predstavnik hejbetsa napisao je laž i to mogu da dokažem. Zašto piše o KIC-u? pošto sam im 3 dana nakon naručivanja uplate poslao ličnu kartu, obostrano, selfi sa papirićem u ruci sa natpisom heibets i trenutnim datumom plus ID u ruci, poslao sam i potvrdu adrese + potvrdu izvora prihoda, a ovaj prevarant posle mesec dana pominje kic? njihovo ponašanje je patetično. I uveravam kazinoguru da mogu da dokažem kog dana sam im poslao dokumente, koja dokumenta su poslata, da su bili u savršenom kvalitetu. Pored toga, imam dokaze da su agenti čitali moje poruke, o čemu svedoči status „viđeno" na mojim snimcima ekrana, potpuno me ignorisali i nisu odgovorili, a Tinejs i Luk Džekson su čitali moje poruke u aplikaciji Telegram i ignorisali me i tamo . Nažalost, predstavnici heibets-a su naišli na teškog protivnika jer pravim screenshotove svake neprijatnosti. Uveravam kazinogurua da mogu dokazati da heibets vara igrače i namerno ih ignoriše. Takvom kazinu ne bi trebalo dozvoliti da postoji na tržištu igara. Ako me predstavnici heibets-a ne kontaktiraju putem e-pošte ( karol9494@vp.pl ) i ne nude nadoknadu za ono što su uradili, onda pozivam kazinogurua da me kontaktira i daću vam sve snimke ekrana koji sve dokazuju.
I'm sorry, unfortunately I canceled the payment and forfeited the balance. What is the reason for this? I am a patient player and I can wait a long time for payment, but in this case I realized that I will not be paid. If casinoguru wants to advertise honest casinos, please contact me by email, ok? I have over 30 screenshots, what the heybets representative wrote is a lie, and I can prove it. Why is he writing about KYC? since 3 days after ordering the payment, I sent them my ID, both sides, a selfie with a piece of paper in my hand with the inscription heybets and the current date plus ID in my hand, I also sent confirmation of the address + confirmation of the source of income, and this fraudster after a month mentions the kyc? their behavior is pathetic. And I assure casinoguru that I can prove on what day I sent them the documents, what documents were sent, they were in perfect quality. Additionally, I have evidence that the agents read my messages, as evidenced by the "seen" status on my screenshots, completely ignored me and did not reply, and Teenace and Luke Jackson read my messages in the Telegram application and ignored me there as well. Unfortunately, the representatives of heybets have encountered a difficult opponent because I take screenshots of every inconvenience. I assure casinoguru that I can prove that heybets cheats players and deliberately ignores them. Such a casino should not be allowed to exist on the gaming market. If heybets representatives do not contact me by e-mail (karol9494@vp.pl) and do not offer compensation for what they have done, then I invite casinoguru to contact me and I will provide you with all the screenshots that prove everything.
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