Nakon nekoliko nedelja igranja na Heibetsu, ništa nije bilo u redu. lepo, novac ulazi i izlazi. I nakon što sam pre nekoliko dana pokušao da unovčim 15k, počeli su problemi.
Pokušavam da ih kontaktiram i na Discord-u, ali je teško odgovoriti i koliko vidim, izbegavaju sve i daju teške odgovore, ne mogu da razumem kako proces verifikacije identiteta može da traje toliko dugo
Prvi pokušaj podizanja sredstava bio je 02.01.2024
Zatim je bilo nekoliko pokušaja koje sam otkazao jer sam video da sve ide sporo i do danas 12.01.2024 sam i dalje postavljao zahteve za povlačenje sredstava
Što se tiče KIC procesa
Pružao sam potrebne dokumente na razgovoru za podršku više od nedelju dana i još uvek nemam pozitivan odgovor
After playing for a few weeks on Heybets, nothing was wrong. nice, money in and out. And after I tried to make a cash-out for 15k a few days ago, problems started.
I try to contact them on Discord as well, but it's hard to answer and from what I can see, they avoid everyone and give difficult answers, I can't understand how an identity verification process can take so long
The first attempt to withdraw the funds was on 02.01.2024
Then there were several attempts canceled by me because I could see that everything was moving slowly and until today 12.01.2024 I still made requests for withdrawals of funds
Regarding the KYC process
I have provided the necessary documents on the support chat for over a week or so and still no positive answer
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